Ni instrument io assistant driver download

Ni instrument io assistant driver download

ni instrument io assistant driver download

If the requirements for LabVIEW are known, only install the set which covers what someone NI Instrument IO Assistant for LabVIEW 32-bit. Instrument I/O Assistant also helps you quickly parse complex from an instrument for use in native-code instrument drivers. Note: You must install the Instrument I/O Assistant from the National IO assistant dialog.png. Microsoft) Hidden Asmedia USB Host Controller Driver (HKLM-x32\. NI Instrument IO Assistant for LabVIEW 64-bit (HKLM\.

Ni instrument io assistant driver download - share your

Instrument i/o Assistant

  • Instrument i/o Assistant not installed correctly. No driver file not supplied with the student of Labview version.

    I installed the student version of Labview and the installation of 99%, there was a window that came.  The image just below this sentence "Installer of year DVD drivers NOR the device" at this link: is the window that opens.  Now the problem is that I don't have a driver cd.  I downloaded a student version: .  It is an installation file.  Then I tried to download a file of drivers, I came here: and I used the exe file that stores a file on the computer.  The record is just full of stuff like .bin files ect.

    I then reinstalled everything after you have uninstalled it and return to 99% a few times, and the same window came that I listed above.  I try and tap the window the the location of the driver in all folders.  None of them work.  I even tried pointing to 488,2 records, IEEE and Visa, I downloaded and they do not work.  This message in red in the window remains, 'the specified folder does not contain the correct volume' and it gives you no idea what its looking for.  So I just said to skip that part and it finishes the installation.  I put in my access code and that seems to go ok.

    After installation, I install the drivers IEEE and Visa 488,2.  Visa seems to include the wizard of e/s to istrumentom some how, but it does not solve the problem I describe below.

    Then I go in and launch Labview and I start a project and go in view the block diagram.  I'm going by dragging in the "Instrument i/o Assistant" to connect a voltmeter of pcib-usb. When I double click on the "instrument I/O assistant" window "Measurement & Automation Explorer or the instrument i/o assistant isn't installed correctly.  Please install these on the LabVIEW driver CD.  But even once, I downloaded the driver CD seems unnecessary.  The directory of the driver folder is NI Device Drivers > Aug12 > Products > "a whole series of .msi files and .cab files ouch.

    All I need is to access the Instrument i/o Assistant so I can set it up to connect with an instrument, I can be sure my program communicates properly with an instrument.  However, this is the 3rd day in the struggle with this program.  I was too frustrated this post yesterday and I'm feeling much better today.  Any suggestions on how to get this set up correctly?

    Yes! Yes! ... sigh Yes... problem solved.  Aparently the driver download was not complete and it was not obvious until he had not downloaded part 2.  Therefore part has been downloaded drivers and it solved all my problems.  Choir of angels chimes in "Haleluah!"  OK thanks me and all wizards!  Pats me on the back.  Job well done.  o / glad I could get that off me chest.  And to think that some people paid, others to be able to listen to them talk to themselves D hehe.

  • LabVIEW 8.5 - error: M & A Explorer or Instrument i/o Assistant is not correctly installed: what to do?

    Dear OR creators and users.

    I recently installed the LabVIEW 8.5 and the game default driver (on a new Windows XP machine), that everything I downloaded disk image in our central repository for the University (we have a license of the whole of the site). The first thing that I tried to put in my first VI was the 'Instrument of e/s Assistant' and I got this message: "measurement and Automation Explorer or Instrument i/o Assistant is not installed correctly. Please install these on the LabVIEW driver CD. I tried to repair the installation, but no change. M & A Explorer appears fine, when I select on the Tools menu, so I doubt that's the problem. Needless to say that the 'Instrument of e/s Assistant' throws the same error when double-clicked in the template file.

    Does anyone have a similar or the same experience? What can I do to fix this? Perhaps I should add that the computer with LabVIEW is intentionally not connencted to the internet, therefore, in which case the solution through an update, I would very much appreciate some tips for offline update

    A big thank you to all for any useful comments.


    Hi Daniel,.

    the following knowledge base contains information how to fix:

    Maybe you didn't install the driver NI-VISA or NOR-488. 2.

    I wish you merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    Kind regards

    N. Ralf

    Engineering applications



    If this does not work for you, download the latest CD of drivers on our website and install it. (It may take a while.  )

    I would recommend using a USB hard disk - to transfer files.

  • Instrument i/o Assistant and graphic representation

    Anyone know how to use data from an instrument of e/s Assistant entry and put it in the values of a graph y?  I have problems with this, because it returns values such as '0 v' and ' v 256 "but I need just the numeric value to get a chart to work.»  Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

    Hi Rach_77,

    In order to get rid of the 'v', you can use the subset of string function and set the offset to 2.  This will take the first two values and give you the number.  From there, you'll just have to convert the value to any type you want.  I hope this helps!

    Kim W.

  • Instrument i/o Assistant not installed correctly

    I have been troubleshooting this problem for over 2 weeks now and every response to this question that has found success, I tried, but could not solve the problem.

    in labView, double by selecting the wizard of IO, it reads the infamous

    «I/o Assistant not installed correctly or...» »

    I downloaded the latest Driver NI-VISA 5.1.3 (or), OR-488. 2. in order to install the driver NI-VISA, I needed to find a framework .net 4.0 & Visual Studios 2003 or better.  After this failure, I downloaded the DCD_AUG12_1 & 2_Downloaders.  After this fails he left consider me if my machine or equipment is the problem, or if the software is simply unable to support these features.

    My Information System includes

    Windows XP 32 bit

    Drivers include:


    Agilent 34401


    Connection attempt:

    Ethernet GPIB

    At the launch of labView, you receive an error

    "The web server cannot start.  Is the Web server port already in use...

    .. ".labView network address is in use.

    When you try to communicate with the machine connected to my computer, I can write, however I can't read from which request information from her.  Very well, AND says its connected.

    Finally my NOR is 2005 and Labview 8.0

    I am quite a novice in this equipment and technology.  So if there are any specific details that I should add, please let me know and I will update the post to include such details.


    It seems that you may have in fact too new of a version of VISA. See the following article to the KnowlegdeBase for more information on what version you need:

    It seems that VISA 4.3 is the new version, you can have for your version of LabVIEW.

    Let me know if that solves the problem!

    Thank you

    Joel C

    National Instruments

  • No configurable USB-6343 with instrument I/O assistant

    Hello everyone,

    It is the first time I use a camera OR with Labview (normally using third party material), and I have parameters upward.

    Istalls fine device driver and I he sees with the measure Automation & Explorer. What should I put in place in order to make the nodes in labview?

    I always get the message that I need to set this up, first (list remains empty). What do I need to set up? I tried to add a task, but I don't see anything else.

    The evil wizard. Use the DAQ Assistant.

  • Why the work of assistant instrument I/O se don't but sometimes not in vi?

    I have a very big program that controls several instruments and I use repeatedly Assistant Instrument of e/s without any problem, with the exception of a few cases. The part that changes the horizontal scale of the oscilloscope is attached. When I open the Instrument i/o assistant and run it since within its graphic interface, it works very well, the scale is the value of what I screened. Unfortunately, when I run the VI I get a different result, and it's the same result every time. My preset in the I/O assistant and what is happening in the I/O Wizard are the same values but the scale set for my screening is 500 nS/div and overall scaling of the execution of the VI is 25 ch/div, which is the smallest scale offers the scope. Any ideas on what could be the problem?

    I don't have any examples, but if you right-click on the e/s of the Instrument and select open the façade, it will transform the Express VI into a Subvi regular you can open and see how the code is actually run inside.

  • OR e/s 14 Instrument installation wizard is not compatible Measurement Studio


    I want to create an Application for Windows OR VISA using Visual c#, but I can not find this new project dialog box template.

    I also read this post (, but it seems that it is not my problem.

    When I tried to reinstall Wizard NI Instrument of e/s, I found that it provides no support for Measurement Studio.

    I installed MS Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, Measurement Studio Enterprise 2013, NI-VISA 5.4, OR-488. 2 3.1.1 OR August 2014 by this order device driver. My OS is Windows 7 Professional 32 bit.

    What should I do now?

    Thank you

    Hello thangvq,

    I took a look at the Release Notes for measurement Studio 2013, and it seems that the Instrument i/o Assistant OR not is not supported in versions of Visual Studio 2010 at the latest.  Take a look at the Support section of the drivers on page 5 for more information.


  • How to use Extech Instruments model 407123 with Labview 7.1

    I'm pretty new to Labview.  With the help of this forum, I was able to configure my DAQpad 6020E with my Labview 7.1.

    Now, I'm looking at using an Extech Instruments Thermo-anemometre to hot wire (407123) in my experience and it works through Labview.  According to my research, I was led to believe that I have to use the Instrument i/o Assistant and NI-Visa, but I'm having a lot of difficulties.  First, the thermo-anemometre is wired for a RS232 interface and I connected to an interface RS232 converter USB, which is then plugged into my computer.  I have the driver for the converter.  When I plug the thermo-anemometre into my computer, MAX it reads as a serial port and it is listed as COM3.  MAX argues that the device works properly.  However, when I run e/s and Labview Instrument wizard say to read the data, I get an error of bff0015 and it says that the device has expired.  I tried to change the time and I still get the same error.  I guess that means that Labview and my device are not communicating.

    I saw a mention of the pilots of the instrumentation, but I could not find my particular device.  I guess that's the root of my problem and that if I had an instrument driver to run my device in Labview that it works correctly.  So here are my questions.

    (1) what should I take data by a third party thermo-anemometre in Labview?

    (2) am I correct in thinking I need some kind of driver instruments?  And if so, where could I find one (I have already searched for one and he did not)?

    (3) is possible and practical to take data through an instrument of party DAQpad Labview and a third at the same time?

    (4) are there guides or tutorials that I could use that can show me how to do what I'm doing?

    Thank you.

  • New: Wizard of e/s not installed correctly.

    I run LV 8.6 and MAX 4.5 (XP, SP3, AMD64x2-6 GHz, 4 GB of RAM, 3 TB HARD drive).

    LV works perfectly.

    However, I run into the same problem in the past when you try to run the Deputy of io ("MAX or Instrument I/O Assistant not installed correctly. Install from CD driver LV '),

    I installed the CD of drivers of LV (the 1-2-3 March 2008 version, it should work, it did in the past).

    But at present no Assistant IO shows upward.

    Then, I downloaded separately and installed the driver again I have O-Assistant, but without success.

    I remember the past, I encountered this same problem has been resolved one way or another, but I did not document how.

    Help is appreciated.

    Hello Reteb1,

    I'm sorry to hear about your problems with the e/s assistant. One thing what could happen, it's the driver installed itself but the Application Programming Interface (API), itself not. You have the VISA Office in your palette of functions? Or is there none of the functions of the i/o device available?

    Then we can check if available in the national folder vi.lib (xx\vi.lib instruments\labview) InstrIOAsst folder or the folder instr is available?

    If they are, we can try to fix the driver via the windows control panel. If they are not; Please run Setup again and check if the API of Labview 8.5 has been selected; You can also consider using a newer driver; OR VISA 4.6 .

    Please let me know if there are other problems.

    Best regards

  • control the HP / Agilent 3499 x with RS232

    In the instrument driver network, I fould a 'pilot' that show how to operate an HP / Agilent 3499 B switch using GPIB in LabVIEW.  Problem is that no GPIB on my system.  Is there an equivalent of "pilot" / example VI that shows how to control a switch 3499 using RS232 and LabVIEW?  (LabVIEW 7.1 compatible perfered or 8.0)  Thank you.

    Since it is an IVI driver, you have LabWindows/CVI to change.

    A switch is usually a simple instrument. You can write your own driver or use the Instrument i/o Assistant. I advise to use MAX or Hyperterminal to test communication before writing any code.

  • series read write


    I try to use e/s series to connect with a sensor.  The sensor waits the Send command followed by a carriage return, then going on to its value.  I joined the program I use below.  I can get it works using the instrument i/o assistant, but I would do it how I have it below.  The error I get is-1073807339 (VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0015) timeout expired before the operation ended.).  I have a feeling that this is probably due to the fact that he must wait for the data and never receives. I think the problem has something to do with it not recognize my send command or the carriage return.

    You do not want to send a return transport. You send the characters '-' and 'r '. Select '-' Codes by right-clicking on the constant.

  • VISA driver for serial connection

    When I try to open the Instrument i/o assistant, I get an error telling me that it is not installed correctly. I think it's because I'm using a serial port, not GPIB. I can't find the right driver. Can someone point me in the right direction?

  • What element is the limiting factor?

    Greetings.  A previous employee in my company had set up a a universal station machine Instron who communicated with Labview via GPIB to test.  This station has served us for the last 6 years, but now we need to upgrade and I do not know what component to upgrade.  Sorry that my first experience with labview (other than by using the front of the GUI).  In the last days, I read the manual of Labview and it seems fairly intuitive.

    Pretty much all I want to do is read my load and position several times per second.  In reading the other posts and the manual, I was able to move the instrument I/O Assistant in a flat sequence structure and surround by two millisecond timers.  He confirmed that the I/O intrument Wizard is the limiting factor in the block diagram.  Currently, we receive readings on each ms 160-220 (it is surprisingly incompatible).  It is the same value I get timers.  I wish that the time between the readings more as 20ms or even 2 ms.

    Here's my system:

    LabVIEW 7 Express

    Windows NT 4.0

    Pentium 2 400 MHz

    Card OR PCI-GPIB

    Instron 8511 controller

    In order to obtain performance I want what components do you think I will need to replace and that tests can do to learn more?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    The user?  SCNR

    Speed your Instron GPIB just tells you that it would be able to send data fast enough. I do not know this instrument, but I would like to dig into the manual to see if it is possible together in a way he could make use of this speed. Perhaps by internal scripts, triggered material acquisition, low resolution... ask 1000 values once instead of a 1000 times.

  • How to read a signal of temperature continuous of a pyrometer via RS - 232

    I am currently reading and chart of a pyrometer Pyrofiber Lab that arrives via an RS - 232, a continuous signal cable. As much as I know there is no device driver for this instrument (or any other pyrometers).

    If I the pyrometer measures alone I can get these in LabView using the Assistant Instrument i/o, but only as a string reading ABC ' 'value emmisivity' "" "corrected for the temperature" "and not as individual numbers or data that I can use/chart. If I have the pyrometer in high mode baud rate (which is the mode in which I need), I can't read the signal at all. How can I get LabView to read continuous (and save or graphic) of the input signal? And is it possible to analyze the signal when it comes as a string with ""time""emissivity""temperature""fixed temperature "?

    I am very new to LabView (and programming in general), so that advice on a good place to start would be appreciated.

    You should start by reading the manual of programming. Instruments of series such as this one are unique in how the communication interface is implemented it is quite difficult to give any kind of specific help. I suggest that you start to read/control from a program of emulation of terminal as Hypertermina, Procomm, etc before attempting to write code. Then, you can view examples of shipping communication series to see how you could write the program. Personally, I have never used the Instrument i/o Assistant.

    p.s. attaching the manual would go a long way to get more help.

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    Ni instrument io assistant driver download

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