User guide to Basecamp, our private extranet
More than just an extranet for project management and data exchange
Basecamp is a secure and private collaborative project management tool, accessible from a simple web browser or via one of the applications available on Windows and Mac PCs, and on mobile and Android and iOS tablets.
It allows us to centralize all the documents exchanged, to keep an eye on the key dates of the various projects and contracts, to monitor and react to the various topics of discussion, to receive and control each deliverable that our agency provides, but not only.
You will be able to:
- follow all our discussions and requests in progress;
- search for any type of document or message exchanged;
- chat live via instant messaging;
- access all current and past deliverables, archived or not;
- be notified of any new events or documents available;
- download or upload any type of file (media images, videos and sounds, and PDF/PPT/DOC/XLS/Google Docs documents);
- manage and track revisions of each of the files uploaded;
- share a document or publication with people who do not have a Basecamp or Google account;
So there is no more multiple emails and unwanted copying and no more centralized data; everything is archived and dated; each interlocutor can decide whether or not to be notified; and all this in compliance with the new European DGPS provisions on data security and confidentiality.
Worth knowing : you can continue to use your email account. Indeed, Basecamp allows you to reply to email notifications received in your mailbox; the message will then be directly reintegrated into the Basecamp discussion. Basecamp is and remains a loyal friend of your email:)
How to create a user account?
First of all, we invite you to designate the person or persons who will be the authorized interlocutors to access and monitor all the projects you will have with Naes. Once this is done, the process is simple: each user creates their account on Basecamp, then these users will be added by Naes on a project on behalf of your company.
To create your account on Basecamp:
- Go to https://basecamp.com/signup ;
- Enter your professional or personal email address or use your Google account if you have one;
- Follow the 5 steps where you will enter your company name, your name (or nickname) and position, and finally your password. We recommend a very strong password (32 characters and more) that you can generate using the Avast tool;
- Send us a short email message to let us know that it is done and we will then authorize your account
How do I log in to Basecamp?
Naes - Basecamp login screen
To login, follow these 4 steps:
- Launch your favorite web browser
- Enter the following URL: https://launchpad.37signals.com/signin
- Enter your email and then your password; or use your Google Account.
- You'll be directed to the home page of your account and we invite you to click on the project named in your company's name in the "Teams" section
How the user interface works
Once your account has been created and your profile added to the project in your company's name, you and all the people added to this project will be able to interact with us all together. You can also create other projects for your own use.
Naes - your homepage
We generally propose 4 of the 6 main entries which we will detail below and which are :
- Message board
- Calendar
- Docs & files
- To-Dos
- Automatic Check-ins (optional)
- Forward Emails (optional)
Notification area
At the top of your screen you will see several important links.
- Home: takes you back to the general Basecamp home page. You will find the folder you have with us there, but you can now also create other projects for your internal use.
- Pings: allows you to chat with any user added to the Basecamp project
- Hey ! : gives you an immediate view of all publications, pending requests, recently submitted files that you may not have viewed yet.
- Activity: provides you with an overview of all the activities that have taken place on Basecamp for the project in question, whether this activity is by you or Naes.
- My stuff: it is your personal menu where you can find the tasks you have assigned yourself, the pages, discussions or documents you would have put in your favorite, your calendar, your drafts, your own activities and your "boosts".
- Find: This extremely reliable and powerful search tool allows you to find any element in the database using keywords and filters.
Message board
In our exchanges, you will find all the discussions in progress classified by a friendly pictogram.
Here are the different types of messages:
- Advice & Suggestion;
- Configuration information or parameter setting;
- Miscellaneous announcements;
- Official closing of the project or a recipe;
- Delivery of a contractually agreed document or file;
- Questions or comments;
- Priority message ;
- Required approval of a document.
Each message opens as a conversation with a title and a body of text that can be formatted and to which attached files such as images or temporary documents related to the current discussion can easily be added (.DOCX,.PDF, etc).
Caution: no revision management possible for files attached in a message or calendar event. Only files loaded into "file sharing" will have this feature..
This calendar is perfectly adapted to multiple situations. Indeed, throughout our collaboration, we will be called upon to define together major work site dates, set meeting dates, recall important events or a chestnut tree, schedule publications. You can also feed it by indicating key dates useful for the current project(s), inform us of your holiday dates or remind us of commercial or marketing requirements (launch of a product planned on). In addition, this calendar can be synchronized on Google Calendar, Outlook and iCal !
Naes - calendar screen
Each entry called "event" is made up of :
- of a date or a date segment;
- of an hour;
- a repetition or non-repetition character (very practical for regular publications in the case of social networks or for weekly project points;
- the list of persons to be notified;
- a field for notes with the possibility to attach documents;
- a section for discussion among stakeholders.
Docs & Files
Everyone knows : email messaging is no longer suitable for managing a complex project with multiple participants and secure exchanges of often large files. Email does not allow you to quickly make the same version of an updated file available, manage access to it, make comments, etc. That's why we provide you with this tool that looks harmless but is extremely powerful.
Naes - docs&files screen
This sharing tool will allow you to:
- Upload one or more files or documents simultaneously (specifications, logos or pictograms, commercial brochures, illustrative photos).
- Upload a new version of a file ("replace with a new version")
- Synchronize your files already on Google Drive, Dropbox, Box or OneDrive
- Create formatted documents directly from Basecamp ("start a new doc")
- Download all the files in a folder as a compressed archive ZIP ("download this folder")
- Classify and organize all documents and files into folders and sub-folders
- Highlight a folder or file by defining its color
- Manage and track all document revisions
- Share with users outside Basecamp through the generation of public links ("get a public link").
Worth knowing: Basecamp manages revisions for files! To upload a new version, simply return to the file in question and use the link . The file will be replaced and it will be possible to access previous versions (everything is logged and saved on the cloud and on our servers).
Projects & Contracts
The implementation of this function starts but this service will allow you to know all the contracts and purchase orders for projects in progress with the main characteristics and dates of start and end of construction.
Go further with Naes
Can Basecamp be integrated on other systems?
Yes! And it is one of the strong points of this tool. Visit https://basecamp.com/extras for more information.
Where can I download Basecamp applications?
Basecamp is a responsive web application accessible and functional via a simple web browser from your PC or laptop such as PC, Mac or Linux, or from your tablet or mobile phone under Windows, Linux, Android or iOS.
However, you may prefer the advantages of an application where you are always connected and with notifications built into your operating system. Here are the links to the 4 applications available to date as well as the links to the instructions for use:
Can I share a message or document with someone "off Basecamp"?
Yes ! you can share a particular document or message with someone who does not have a Basecamp account. To do this, use the small menu composed of three points at the top right of a file or discussion and select the link "get a public link". This will generate a unique URL and the document in question will be accessible.
Caution: concerning a file, only the last revision will be accessible and for a file or document what will have been entered in the "notes" field. The name of the client project, the date of publication, the author, the comments or the list of notified persons will never appear. To illustrate this case, here is what the project users see below and you can see what "off Basecamp" users will see.
Naes - Public file sharing process (animation)