How to get the Windows 10 1809 and not 1903?
How can I update to version 1809 manually?
You will need to download the Windows 10 version 1809 ISO. Once you have downloaded the ISO, use the built-in capability to mount the ISO, and launch Setup.exe contained on the disk.
The installation process will proceed. You will be prompted to update the installer, you will want to select the option that avoids this, otherwise, it will attempt to install the incorrect feature update. An alternative to mounting the ISO within Windows is to create an installation disk and launch the Setup.exe from within Windows 10.
The installation of the feature upgrade must be done from within Windows 10, if you want to do an in-place upgrade, booting to the installation environment will result in a clean install of Windows 10.
I am currently using Windows 10 1607.
You won't be able to upgrade from 1607 directly to 1809 or 1903. You will have to first upgrade to 1703, then 1709, and finally to 1809. You will need to use the method I explained above to upgrade to each version. Since you will be installing multiple versions, and you won't be able to rollback, you should use the Disk Cleanup after each upgrade and remove the previous installation.
if you attempt to upgrade to 1809 or 1903 the upgrade likely will fail and will rollback. You will receive a generic SAFE_OS error