New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (USA) (En,Fr,Es).iso. CRC, b88f74eaMore MD5, aefb59ac51ecc07b3d057b3d568a1ea1. Donkey Konga - Wikipedia. New Play Control! Donkey Kong Jungle Beat ROM for Nintendo Wii download requires a emulator to play the game offline. This Game is the English (USA).
GYBE01 - Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
ID | GYBE01 | region | NTSC-U | type | GameCube | languages | EN | title (EN) | Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat | synopsis (EN) | The big ape is drumming up a new beat for platformers with this unique action game played entirely with the DK Bongo controller. Grab a set of DK Bongo controllers and use them to guide Donkey Kong through wild jungle environments brimming with ravenous enemies and challenging obstacles. Tap the bongos, do a drum roll or clap to control Donkey Kong on the screen! Right conga makes DK go right, left conga makes him go left -- hit them both to jump or clap (or hit the rim) to trigger a wave that knocks over enemies or attracts bananas. As you "drum" your way through diverse stages ranging from lush jungles to floating jelly in the sky, you will battle enormous beasts, collect bananas, get in boxing matches with rivals and even ride animals and vehicles in a jungle gone wild! | title (KO) | 동키 콩: 정글 비트 |
| Источник: [https://torrent-igruha.org/3551-portal.html]