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blog.vuze.com-Vuze 101 How To Seed A Torrent File With Vuze
Vuze101 – HowToSeed A Torrent FileWithVuze
blog.vuze.com /2014/01/24/vuze-101-how-to-seed-torrent-file-vuze/
Torrents are not only an extremely popular form of file sharing, but also an efficient means of distributing large
amounts of digital data. Although millions of torrents are shared by just as many torrent users on any given day there
are plenty of folks who are new to the protocol, or curious about it but don’t know just where to start.
Simple torrenting actions and language can seem strange and complex to a new user who is unfamiliar with the
protocol. To help make sense of some torrenting basics we’ve compiled a series of posts to help explain some of the
more commonly asked questions associated with the Vuze bittorrent client and torrents.
In today’s post we’ll focus on how to seed a .torrent with Vuze. For new torrent users a short list of torrent terms
used in this post has been created to make it easier to follow along. As always, we discourage copyright
Torrent terms used in this post
This is the software that you use to enable uploading and downloading of torrent files and use of the torrent protocol.
In other words, this would be Vuze Bittorrent Client, or client for short.
Synonymous with downloader, or a peer that doesn’t have a complete file and is downloading a file, or it can also
refer to a peer/peers that negatively impact a swarm because they download more than upload.
In this context, typically refers to any torrent client (e.g., Vuze Bittorrent Client) that is connected to a swarm. It also
describes the client that transfers data between other clients. Peers don’t have complete files, only parts of them.
A swarm is a group of clients, or peers, that are sharing any given torrent by actively downloading it.
This is a torrent server that regulates communication between peers, as well as identifies and tracks the seeds and
peers in a swarm. The tracker itself isn’t involved in transferring data.
Think of a tracker like a phone. Let’s say two people hundreds of miles apart want to speak to one another. They
use a phone to relay the sounds of their voices, but the phone itself isn’t doing the actual talking the people are.
Sometimes new files don’t have enough seeders in a swarm to enable download of all the different file pieces to
form a complete file. With super-seeding mode (available in Vuze Bittorrent Client) enabled those pieces of a file
that haven’t been sent before are made available with a single peer. This allows the super-seeding client to
maximize the efficiency of the upload by only sharing those pieces nobody else has. NOTE: Only use this mode
when you are the first and only seeder or the original uploader of the file you have rights to.
What is seeding?
Seeding is where a user downloads a file and then leaves their Vuze bittorrent client open once the download
completes to help distribute pieces of the file to others.
A best practice and good seeding etiquette suggests that a user should seed back as much as they download. This
is also known as share ratio.
To determine your share ratio, or measure your sharing activity you divide the amount of uploaded data by the
amount of downloaded data. A share ratio of 1.0 usually means that a user has uploaded as much as they’ve
downloaded. A number greater than 1.0 indicates that a user has uploaded more than downloaded, and in contrast a
number less than 1.0 points to downloading more than uploading.
Why is the share ratio important in a post about seeding? Because trackers (or torrent servers) can potentially ban
users if they appear to be overly leeching (downloading and not uploading, or taking, but not giving), which isn’t
necessarily a good thing.
There are a couple different ways to find your share ratio in the Vuze bittorrent client — the status bar or in the
statistics plugin.
Status bar
Vuze > “View”
In the dropdown click View > Status Bar > “Share Ratio”
Ratio will be displayed in footer bar of your Vuze client.
Statistics plugin
Click “Plugins & Extras” from the left menu rail in the Vuze client
Select “Statistics”
Choose the “Transfers” tab
Ratio will be displayed in the tab that is opened
How do I seed a file in the Vuze bittorrent client?
There are two possible situations where a user may want to seed, or need to seed a file. The first situation relates to
an existing, or already available torrent file and the second situation pertains to a use who wishes to create a torrent
file to share with others.
Existing torrent file
If a user has found an existing torrent file through search, discovery or otherwise, they’ll need to seed to help with
the swarm’s health. Simply put, a user can find a torrent file that they want, download it and then keep their Vuze
bittorrent client open after the download completes.
New torrent file
You can read how to create a torrent file in Vuze for more information, but for users who want to publish a torrent for
others to download, or for a user that had downloaded a file but removed it from Vuze seeding is still vital.
Important: you must have the complete original .torrent file available in order to seed. Partial .torrent files cannot be
For a torrent file that has been removed follow the steps below.
From the Vuze client menu bar go to File->Open->”Torrent File”
Select either “Add Files” or “Add Folder” to navigate to the .torrent file on your hard drive
Next, select the file from the “Open Torrent Options” window (check preferred options) and click “OK”
Consider utilizing the super-seed mode in this instance (i.e. you’re the first and only seeder and this is an
original upload)
Your .torrent file should appear in your Library and show a status of “Seeding”
Turn on Super-Seeding mode
Vuze > Tools > “Options”
Select “Queue” > “Seeding”
Check the box “Use Super Seeding” in the “Queue: Seeding” window
Alternatively, from the Library, right click on any torrent file and select “Super-Seeding” from the pop-up menu
How do I stop seeding a file in the Vuze Bittorrent Client?
There may be instances where you would want to stop seeding a file. When that occurs there are couple different
options that you can choose from.
First option would be to simply delete the torrent file to prevent others from downloading from you. A second option is
to adjust the seeding options within the Vuze client to prevent automatic seeding and other events from occurring.
Ignore Rules settings
Vuze > Tools > Options
Click “Queue” on the left side of the screen
Next, expand “Seeding” sub-menu item
Select “Ignore Rules”
Enter “1” in the “Ignore torrents with at least” box
With this setting, Vuze will not automatically seed any torrent that has at least one other seeder or uploader. Most
torrents usually have at least one seeder, such as the original uploader.
Check the box next to “Ignore torrents with 0 peers”
Adjusting these settings should exclude files from being seeded. To determine additional values, please refer to the
Vuze Wiki’s Ignore Rules page.
As far as seeding basics and how to enable and disable seeding in the Vuze client we’ve covered it. Keep in mind
there are many other nuances, settings and details that are unique to a user’s system, setting and needs. This post
intended to share some simple background to help out users who are both new to torrenting and new to Vuze.
If you have questions or would like additional assistance, please visit our Vuze Forums or our Vuze Wiki. Keep your
eyes open for our next Vuze101 post in our ongoing how to series. Enjoy!
And, as usual, any use of Vuze that violates the rights of any person or entity is not allowed. More
Related posts:
1. Vuze101 – HowTo Open Torrents WithVuze Bittorrent Client 5.2
2. Vuze101 – HowTo Configure IP Address, NAT & Port Forwarding WithVuze
3. Vuze101 – HowTo Burn DVDs WithVuze And Vuze Plus
4. Vuze101 – HowTo Create A Torrent File
<strong>Vuze</strong> <strong>101</strong> – <strong>How</strong> <strong>To</strong> <strong>Seed</strong> A <strong>To</strong>rrent <strong>File</strong> <strong>With</strong> <strong>Vuze</strong> <strong>blog</strong>.<strong>vuze</strong>.<strong>com</strong> /2014/01/24/<strong>vuze</strong>-<strong>101</strong>-how-to-seed-torrent-file-<strong>vuze</strong>/ <strong>To</strong>rrents are not only an extremely popular form of file sharing, but also an efficient means of distributing large amounts of digital data. Although millions of torrents are shared by just as many torrent users on any given day there are plenty of folks who are new to the protocol, or curious about it but don’t know just where to start. Simple torrenting actions and language can seem strange and <strong>com</strong>plex to a new user who is unfamiliar with the protocol. <strong>To</strong> help make sense of some torrenting basics we’ve <strong>com</strong>piled a series of posts to help explain some of the more <strong>com</strong>monly asked questions associated with the <strong>Vuze</strong> bittorrent client and torrents. In today’s post we’ll focus on how to seed a .torrent with <strong>Vuze</strong>. For new torrent users a short list of torrent terms used in this post has been created to make it easier to follow along. As always, we discourage copyright infringement. <strong>To</strong>rrent terms used in this post Client This is the software that you use to enable uploading and downloading of torrent files and use of the torrent protocol. In other words, this would be <strong>Vuze</strong> Bittorrent Client, or client for short. Leech/leecher Synonymous with downloader, or a peer that doesn’t have a <strong>com</strong>plete file and is downloading a file, or it can also refer to a peer/peers that negatively impact a swarm because they download more than upload. Peer In this context, typically refers to any torrent client (e.g., <strong>Vuze</strong> Bittorrent Client) that is connected to a swarm. It also describes the client that transfers data between other clients. Peers don’t have <strong>com</strong>plete files, only parts of them. Swarm A swarm is a group of clients, or peers, that are sharing any given torrent by actively downloading it. Tracker This is a torrent server that regulates <strong>com</strong>munication between peers, as well as identifies and tracks the seeds and peers in a swarm. The tracker itself isn’t involved in transferring data. Think of a tracker like a phone. Let’s say two people hundreds of miles apart want to speak to one another. They use a phone to relay the sounds of their voices, but the phone itself isn’t doing the actual talking the people are. Super-seeding Sometimes new files don’t have enough seeders in a swarm to enable download of all the different file pieces to form a <strong>com</strong>plete file. <strong>With</strong> super-seeding mode (available in <strong>Vuze</strong> Bittorrent Client) enabled those pieces of a file that haven’t been sent before are made available with a single peer. This allows the super-seeding client to maximize the efficiency of the upload by only sharing those pieces nobody else has. NOTE: Only use this mode 1/6
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