Killteam pdf download - suggest you
Introductio.n..................................... 4 Medic Specialists...................................................7..3..
ShadowWar....................................... 6 Scout Specialists....................................................7..4..
Sniper Specialists..................................................7..5..
Squad Warfare ............................................................8..... Veteran Specialists................................................7..6..
Heroes All...............................................................1..0.... Zealot Specialists...................................................7..7..
Theatres of War .......................................................1..2... Adeptus Astartes.....................................................7..8...
Rules................................................ 14 Kill Teams .............................................................8..2...
Core Rules ...............................................................1..6... Tactical Marine .....................................................8..4..
Datasheets and Weapons ......................................1..8. Reiver....................................................................8..5....
The Battle Round ..................................................2..0.. Intercessor.............................................................8..5...
Initiative Phase ...................................................2..0.. Weapon Profiles and Points..................................8..6.
Movement Phase................................................2..1.. Deathwatch..............................................................8..8...
Psychic Phase.....................................................2..6... Kill Teams .............................................................8..9...
Shooting Phase ...................................................2..8.. Deathwatch Veteran .............................................9..0..
Fight Phase.........................................................3..4... Weapon Profiles and Points..................................9..1.
Morale Phase .....................................................3..6... Grey Knights ...........................................................9..2...
Example Battle Round...........................................3.8.. Kill Teams .............................................................9..4...
Fighting a Battle....................................................4..0.. Grey Knight ..........................................................9..4...
Open Play Mission: Covert War ...........................4..1 Weapon Profiles and Points..................................9..5.
Advanced Rules ......................................................4..2... Astra Militarum ......................................................9..6...
Killzones...............................................................4..4.... Kill Teams ...........................................................1..0..0.
Missions........................................... 46 Infantry Squad Guardsman ................................1..0. 1
SpecialWeapons Squad Guardsman ...................1.01
Countless Battles.....................................................4..8... Militarum Tempestus Scion ................................1..02
Scouting Phase........................................................4..9... Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..0. 2
Behind Enemy Lines...............................................5..0.. Adeptus Mechanicus.............................................1..0..4
Open Play Mission: Aerial Strike ............................5..0 Kill Teams ...........................................................1..0..7.
Open Play Mission: Search and Rescue...................5.1 Skitarii Ranger.....................................................1..0.8.
Open Play Mission: Lines of Battle.........................5..1 Skitarii Vanguard ................................................1..0..8
Narrative Play Mission: Disrupt Supply Lines.........52 Sicarian Ruststalker ............................................1..0..9
Narrative Play Mission: Ambush.............................5..3 Sicarian Infiltrator ..............................................1..0..9
Narrative Play Mission: Feint..................................5..4. Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..1. 0
Narrative Play Mission: Assassinate........................5..5 Heretic Astartes .....................................................1.1..2.
Matched Play Mission: Sweepand Clear 56 Kill Teams ...........................................................1..1..5.
Matched Play Mission: Take Prisoners 57 Chaos Cultist ......................................................1..1..5.
Matched Play Mission: Recover Intelligence 58 Chaos Space Marine ...........................................1..1..6
Matched Play Mission: Terror Tactics 59 Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..1. 7
Death Guard ..........................................................1..1..8.
KillTeams........................................ 60 Kill Teams ...........................................................1..2..1.
Choosing a Kill Team..............................................6..2.. Plague Marine .....................................................1..2.2.
Command Points and Tactics .................................6..4. Poxwalker............................................................1..2..2.
Specialists................................................................6..6.... Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..2. 3
Leader Specialists..................................................6..8.. Thousand Sons......................................................1..2..4.
Combat Specialists................................................6..9.. Kill Teams ...........................................................1..2..7.
Comms Specialists................................................7..0.. Rubric Marine .....................................................1..2.8.
Demolitions Specialists.........................................7..1. Tzaangor..............................................................1..2..8.
Heavy Specialists...................................................7..2.. Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..2. 9
Asuryani ...............................................................1..3..0.. Fire Warrior Breacher .........................................1..7.1
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..3..4. XV25Stealth Battlesuit .......................................1..7.1
Guardian Defender.............................................1..3..5 Drone ..................................................................1..7..2..
Storm Guardian ..................................................1..3..5 Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..7. 3
Ranger ................................................................1..3..6.. Tyranids ................................................................1..7..4..
Dire Avenger ......................................................1..3..6. Kill Teams ...........................................................1..7..7.
Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..3. 7 Termagant ...........................................................1..7..8.
Hormagaunt .......................................................1..7..8.
Drukhari ...............................................................1..3..8.. Lictor ..................................................................1..7..8..
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..4..2. Tyranid Warrior ..................................................1..7..9
Kabalite Warrior .................................................1..4..4 Genestealer .........................................................1..7..9.
Wych ...................................................................1..4..4.. Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..8. 0
Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..4. 5 Genestealer Cults...................................................1..8..2
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..8..5.
Harlequins .............................................................1..4..6. Acolyte Hybrid ....................................................1..8..6
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..4..8. Aberrant ..............................................................1..8..6.
Player..................................................................1..4..9.. Neophyte Hybrid ................................................1..8..7
Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..4. 9 Hybrid Metamorph ............................................1..8..7
Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..8. 8
Necrons .................................................................1..5..0..
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..5..3. Squad Colours.......................................................1..9..0.
Necron Warrior ...................................................1..5..4
Immortal .............................................................1..5..4. Kill Team Campaigns............................................2..0..2
Flayed One ..........................................................1..5..5. Mission Critical .....................................................2..0.3.
Deathmark ..........................................................1..5..5. Consequences of Battle..........................................2..0.4
Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..5. 6
Command Roster ..................................................2..0..6
Orks .......................................................................1..5..8.. Datacards ...............................................................2..0..7.
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..6..1.
Ork Boy...............................................................1..6..2. Reference ...............................................................2..0..8.
Gretchin ..............................................................1..6..2.
Kommando .........................................................1..6..3. What’s Next ...........................................................2..0..9.
Burna Boy...........................................................1..6..3.
Weapon Profiles and Points................................1..6. 4
T’au Empire ...........................................................1..6..6.
Kill Teams ...........................................................1..6..9.
Fire Warrior ........................................................1..7..0.
Pathfinder ...........................................................1..7..0.
With thanks to the Mournival and the Infinity Circuit for their additional playtesting services
Warhammer 40,000:Kill Team Core Manual © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2018. Warhammer 40,000:Kill Team Core Manual, Warhammer 40,000:Kill
Team, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000,the ‘Aquila’Double-headed Eagle logo, and all associated logos, illustrations,
images, names, creatures, races, vehicles,locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or © Games Workshop
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only.
Certain Citadel products may be dangerous if used incorrectly and Games Workshop does not recommend them for use by children under the age of 16 without adult
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Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS
Warhammer40,000: Kill Team is a fast-paced tabletop miniatures game that pits teams of elite specialists,
ragtag zealots and hard-bitten veterans against one another in vicious battles to the death. Draw your
blades, check your ammo, mutter a quick prayerto your gods and get ready to join the fight!
SQUAD VERSUSSQUAD battles can be every bit as impactful upon the fates of
worlds as can the onslaught of massed regiments or
Games of Kill Team revolve around vital conflicts super-heavy engines of war.
between small but powerful bands of warriors rather
than huge armies. They are an opportunity to tell
cinematic tabletop stories in which every single
combatant counts, and every model you command
develops their own personality and history.
Can the enemy’s leader be eliminated before he can Reading on, you will find a wealth of narrative
reach – and activate – the doomsday weapon? Can your information and random tables for many of the major
scouting force sever the enemy’s lines of communication Warhammer 40,000 factions. Intended to provide
and get clear before they are caught? Will the freshly collectors with a wide range of exciting inspiration,
deployed squad of elite specialists be taken down by the these tables present various types of kill team that
battle-hardened band of veterans, and will the eagle- each faction might field, the sorts of missions they
eyed sniper take down his tenth kill in a row? These and might be sent upon, as well as the strange personality
countless other narratives await to be uncovered! quirks that their warriors and leaders might possess.
These sections are designed to be toolkits from which
In this book, you will find all the background players can draw as little or much as they like – one
information and tabletop rules required to dive collector may roll up every aspect of their kill team and
headlong into the world of Kill Team. The following choose to play in character upon the tabletop in order
pages are replete with examples of the sorts of kill to get a truly narrative experience, while another may
teams that might be assembled. You will see some of the simply use these tables as idea-fuel for conversions or
apocalyptic war zones through which such warbands kill team designs.
fight, and how their desperate fire fights and vicious
Poisonous mists drift amongst the predatoryfoliage of an alien jungle as the Drukhariof the Slicing Noose kill team
clash in savagebattle with the Necrons known as the ExaltedScythe.
Finally, this book provides a full suite of rules case, the tables of background traits, team missions,
for playing a wide variety of skirmish-level Kill pre-generated names and more found later in this book
Team battles. will go a long way towards helping even a first-time
hobbyist create a unique character and backstory for
Alongside the rules to create your kill teams, you will their kill team.
also find an array of custom scenarios perfectly suited to
squad-on-squad battles to the death. There are also sets In Kill Team battles, every warrior in your warband is
of Kill Team tactics to evoke everything from a sniper’s a vital link in the chain. Even the lowliest Grot or Astra
killer headshot to an unhinged knifeman’s rampage, Militarum Conscript can fire the shot that makes the
and even a full campaign system during which your kill difference between glorious victory and ignominious
teams can advance their skills, gain new warriors and defeat. However, certain figures amongst the ranks of
wargear, and conquer swathes of different territories every kill team deserve a special mention. These are the
in the war to take control of a sprawling Imperial hive team’s leader and its specialists.
city. By combining these mechanics with narrative
inspiration from the background tables, your gaming Kill team Leaders direct their warriors in the field.
group can enjoy a truly unique and personal hobby Whether they are tyrannical monsters or disciplined line
experience that will generate war stories you’lltalk officers,hard-bitten survivors or zealous demagogues,
about for years to come! these individuals are the exemplars of their respective
kill teams, and in many ways form the embodiment of
KILLTEAMS the player upon the battlefield. Many kill team Leaders
have access to powerful weapons and specialised
Creating a kill team can be as simple as purchasing wargear that allow them to cut a path of ruin through an
a single box of Citadel Miniatures, assembling and enemy warband, and it is their leadership, force of will
painting them to a standard you’re happy with, and authority that keeps the kill team fighting when the
and getting ready to play. On the other hand, some odds are against them.
hobbyists derive great satisfaction from melding
multiple troop types into a single, cohesive warband. Specialists,meanwhile, are warriors who excel in a
They model, convert and paint up every individual single area, typically armed with the sort of weaponry
figure to have its own aesthetic, personality and that allows them to make the most of their skills. Sharp-
equipment to bring to battle. Many players enjoy shooting snipers whose powerful firearms can take an
the narrative element of this sort of project, drawing enemy’s head off from across the battlefield; masterful
inspiration from their favourite codex or BlackLibrary bladesmen whose thrumming power swords have
novel, from esoteric aspects of the Warhammer 40,000 tasted the blood of a hundred foes; madcap demolitions
universe, or even from Warhammer 40,000 computer experts with belts full of explosivesand a crazed gleam
games. There is a real thrill in painstakingly recreating in their eye; all of these and many more embody the
a favourite band of warriors from a book or game and specialists that can be added to a kill team in order to
seeing them come to life on the tabletop. In either give it powerful, battle-winning abilities.
KILLTEAMTOKENS Move token Chargetoken Objectivemarkers
FallBacktoken Advancetoken
The Kill Team Starter Set box and the Kill Team
Faction Starter Set boxes each come with a set of
tokens for use in your games of Kill Team.
You do not need these tokens to play Kill Team, but
if you have a set you’llfind the tokens shown on the
right to be a very useful way of keeping track of which
of your warriors have done what in each battle round.
The core rules explain when each token is used, and
what significance it has.
You’llalso find the objective markers included in each
set of tokens useful in your games of Kill Team, where
they can represent areas or items of vital importance
to your mission.
Readytoken Shoot token Shakentokens
‘One blade, driven into the correct SHADOW WAR
heart, at the right moment, will
save or slay a world as surely as the
firepowerof entire armies.’
- Warmaster Hokaeto,
Supreme Imperial Commander, Des-
maxian Crusade
Squad Warfare
A single squad of warriors,well equipped and well trained, can tip the balance of a war. Whether daring
assassins, hawk-eyedscouts or grizzled veterans out for revenge, these warriorscan alter the destiny of
entire planets through their efforts.
DARK IMPERIUM labyrinth dimension that lies between realspace and the
warp – come the enigmatic Aeldari, hosts and raiding
The Warhammer 40,000 setting is a sprawling and parties of Asuryani, Drukhari and Harlequins spreading
horrific dystopia where all is war. For ten millennia, death and mayhem for reasons only they comprehend.
battle has raged from one end of the galaxyto the other, Barbaric hordes of Orks and ravenous Tyranid swarms
fought across countless strange worlds, between myriad scour entire worlds of life. Genestealer Cults stage
factions and races. Though planets without number vicious uprisings. The T’au Empire annexes one world
have burned in the name of victory or vengeance, still after another.
there is no end in sight to the killing. If anything, the
galaxygrows darker by the day. For ten thousand years, the galactic war has waxed and
waned. Yet in the closing years of the 41st Millennium
Scattered across the stars, the Imperium of Mankind the mayhem and bloodshed has grown worse after the
fights wars beyond count. The Space Marines, the Astra Great Rift – a roiling mass of warp storms like a great
Militarum, the Adeptus Mechanicus and more battle wound in reality – split the galaxyin two. One half
furiously for the survival of their species, offering praise has been plunged into darkness, while the other still
to the Emperor – or his Machine Cult equivalent, the clings to the radiance of the Emperor’s light. The fight
Omnissiah – for every victory. The Imperium is the for survival and domination spirals towards outright
single largest empire in the galaxyand its military might madness, and worlds shudder to the tread of endless
is colossal, yet it is assailed from without and within; invading armies.
only faith, hatred and a never-ending butcher’s bill of
martyred soldiery keeps Humanity from being overrun.
Even as the Emperor’s servants fight to preserve the Yet not every conflict is apocalyptic in scale, and it is not
Imperium, so the worshippers of the Chaos Gods pour alwaysthe largest army that carries the day. Sometimes,
all their hatred, fury and obsession into tearing it down. amidst the screaming madness and billowing flames
Ten thousand years ago, the terrible schism known as of the wider war, victory or defeat lies in the hands
the Horus Heresy split the Emperor’s realm, fully half of of a small band of heroes or villains, hell bent upon
the mighty Space Marine Legions pledging their souls achieving their mission at any cost.
to the Dark Gods of Chaos in return for power, glory
or revenge. Though they were defeated at the siege of BEHIND ENEMYLINES
the Emperor’s Palace on Terra, the Traitor Legions have
never given up their Long War against the Imperium The battles fought by kill teams take many forms.
that made them – if anything, they fight with more Sometimes a vital enemy commander, demagogue priest
bitterness and cruelty now than they ever did in the or dangerous witch must be slain by a sniper’s bullet or
dim and distant past. The Heretic Astartes are dark glinting blade from the shadows. Alternatively, a vital
mirrors of the Emperor’s noble Space Marines, their strategic asset may need to be eliminated, be it an enemy
ranks twisted by mutation and riddled with corruption. command centre, the generator for a bank of void
Such forces as the diseased Death Guard and sorcerous shields, the control matrix for an orbital defence battery
Thousand Sons lead their attack, while hidden cults or a foul shrine to the Dark Gods.
scramble to do their masters’ bidding, desperate for the
promise of fleeting power.
Though it is the war between the Imperium and the
forces of Chaos that sets the stars aflame, these are
far from the only warring factions in this dark galaxy.
Alien hordes of every stripe surge into battle, looking
to expand their empires or crush their hated foes. From
beneath the surface of ancient worlds, the android
Necrons rise up to butcher the living and reclaim
their demesnes of old. From the webway– the strange
Other battles may see a band of embattled scouts the next, pumping stimulants into wounded bodies
attempting to reach friendly lines, bearing vital strategic and offering mercy to those too injured to press on. All
information that must reach their masters at any the while, guns thunder and steel clashes with hungry
cost. Perhaps the enemy’s communications or supply ferocity, both sides fighting with everything they have.
routes need to be cut off before a major offensivecan
begin. Some kill teams are deployed to scout the foe’s Every battle between rival kill teams tells a tale of
strength prior to battle, to locate and eliminate enemy heroism and adventure, desperation and cruelty. Every
patrols, or simply to wreak as much havoc upon the shot, every blade-stroke and hurled grenade counts,
foe’sinfrastructure as they can, blowing up targets of every moment of sudden inspiration or low cowardice
opportunity wherever the chance presents itself. can mean the difference between victory and defeat.
With the fates of armies, war zones and worlds at stake,
Other kill teams may fight wholly different kinds of battle becomes ever more desperate, for only one side
battles. A small band of warriors may find themselves can prevail.
the only line of defence between teeming hordes of
evacuees and a rapidly approaching murder squad. Two A GALAXYVAST AND DARK…
opposed squad leaders may develop a bitter rivalry that
can only be settled by a blade-to-blade clash in no man’s It is the 41st Millennium, and the human race
land. A handful of heroes may set out on a holy crusade stands upon a precipice. Ruled by the immortal
that only they can complete, or a band of roguish Emperor from his Golden Throne on Terra, the
opportunists may descend upon a war-ravaged world to Imperium of Mankind stretches out to the very
loot whatever they can. fringes of the galaxy. The Imperium is assailed from
within and without by the alien, the mutant and the
‘Forwardscouts report heavy resistance. heretic. For all its might, this empire is crumbling:
Infantry elements bogged down amidst the its worlds are scattered and often isolated; its vast
Imperatus manufactorum complex. Colonel martial strength is fettered by bloated bureaucracy;
Diert’s outflanking armour driven back by enemy its people are controlled through ignorance, fear
super-heavy enginesalong the Kalterwash. and superstition. Only the guiding light of the
Strategos predicts insufficienttime to mass a Emperor holds the Imperium together, the psychic
suitable offensivebefore xenos super-weapon is beacon of the Astronomican guiding Mankind’s
triggered. Recommend deployment of Archangel ships through the darkness of the void.
Team by Valkyrie drop-insertion. Emperor protect
us, my lords, they are now our only hope.’ Those ships travel through the warp, the hellish
dimension of raw psychic energy that lurks
- Last strategicmissive before official sanction of Oper- beneath the skin of realspace. By plunging into
ation Aquila Rising the tides of the warp, spacecraft can travel vast
distances in a fraction of the time they might
In all instances, battles between kill teams tend towards otherwise take. Moreover, it is by manipulating
close-quarters firefights through tangled terrain. They the energies of the warp that the psychic mutants
are desperate and bloody affairs that see deeds of known as Astropaths can communicate across the
incredible heroism and breathtaking savagery enacted vast gulfs between Imperial worlds. Yet the warp is
on a close and personal scale. not a sterile plane; by its very nature, warp energy
is pernicious and mutative, while its depths are
Warriors sprint headlong from one patch of cover to inhabited by myriad predatory abominations that
the next, leaning out to spray fire at half-seen enemies Mankind has come to know as Daemons.
amongst the ruins and the undergrowth. Blade-wielding
killers lope through the shadows, slipping into the ideal The warp has alwaysposed a terrible threat, its
position from which to launch their attack. energies spilling into the galaxyin ferocious
storms, its denizens seeking to subvert and
Grinning heavy-weapons troopers heft their massive conquer realspace. Yet in the closing years of the
firearms and let fly, their hails of firepower rendering 41st Millennium a storm like no other has torn its
them every bit as lethal as a mainline battle-tank would way across the stars. Known as the Great Rift, this
be in a larger-scale conflict. Hand-picked special forces catastrophic phenomenon has split the Imperium
advance methodically, laying down ferocious covering almost in two, leaving countless worlds cut off
fire as their comrades push towards their objectives. from the Astronomican. So has the war for survival
become more desperate than ever before.
Grenadiers chuckle maniacally to themselves as they
prime bandoleers of explosivesbefore hurling them
into the enemy’s midst to raise thunderous detonations.
Grim field surgeons dash from one fallen comrade to
Everykill team is different, but all have certain features in common. Eachis directed by a determined
leader. Eachalso contains a handful of skilled specialists whose martial abilities make them vital assets in
the field, supporting the remainder of the kill team’ssoldiers and leading them to victory.
Kill teams are assembled for a vast variety of different through a fortress’ otherwise impenetrable defences, to
missions, many of which simply could not be completed hunt enemy infiltrators amidst ruined manufactorums,
by a larger and less specialised force. Some are assassins or to stand as a final line of defence before the command
or saboteurs, using stealth or rapid-deployment sanctum from within which an entire war front is being
technologies to strike without warning at targets far controlled. Whatever the case, the hand-picked warriors
behind enemy lines. Where a larger force would quickly of the kill team must ensure that their duty is discharged
be detected by sentries or be forced into engagements no matter the odds they face.
with defending forces, a kill team can slip quietly into
position, silence any who might stand in their way, and Other kill teams receive even more esoteric assignments:
then strike the killing blow. Many an apostate cardinal the ritualised slaughter of specifictargets in order to
or xenos war-leader has discovered too late that their summon daemonic entities, lacing an enemy army’s
inner sanctum was far less safe than they believed as rations with mutagenic gene-poisons, or painting a
doors have blown in, guards have been gunned down quarry with psycho-receptive resonators in preparation
and the kill team’s warriors have put their target to the for a catastrophic psychic bombardment. The list is
sword. Countless shield generators, doomsday weapons endless, with every mission being more vital, dangerous
and summoning circles have been blown sky-high by and challenging than the last.
demolitions charges planted by elite operatives.
In some cases, a team is assembled intentionally to
Other kill teams are protectors rather than destroyers. fulfil a specificmission or achieve a particular goal.
Their mission may be to escort a vital dignitary through They may include an ideal spread of combatants for the
the blazing hell of no man’s land, or to provide skilled task at hand, and carry precisely the correct equipment
sentries for a hidden arco-laboratory or church of the and munitions to eliminate their targets. Deathwatch
faith. It may be to watch over a crucial hidden passage kill teams, squads of combat-optimised Skitarii and
perfectly balanced Asuryani assassination bands are
good examples of these sorts of forces.
On other occasions, kill teams may be formed in the
field. A hard-bitten squad of Astra Militarum Veterans
might band together to survive an especiallysavage war
zone; a group of Adeptus Astartes warriors might find
themselves joining forces to combat an onrushing horde
of enemies; a handful of murderous Night Lords might
coordinate their efforts in order to spread terror and
death through an Imperial command complex.
A kill team of Tempestus Scions advanceson their Many kill teams are drawn wholesale from amongst
objective, hot-shot lasguns blazing. the ranks of a larger army in the field, and assigned
a specificmission that they must complete before
returning to their comrades. Whether it be a mob
of Ork Kommandos sent to blow up the enemy’s
ammunition dumps, a combat squad of Ultramarines
assigned as an honour guard to the shrine of an
Imperial Saint, or a band of Kabalite Warriors charged
with upholding the reputation of their Archon through
feats of arms, such groups have the advantage of having
fought as one in many conflicts. Though they may lack
the diversity of specialists available to a more mixed
kill team, their warrior bond and clearly defined way of
making war stand such kill teams in good stead when
the fighting intensifies.
Regardless of a kill team’s origins and composition, During the war for Tholdax, the Imperial advance
it will alwaysbe directed in battle by an especially stalled amidst the war-torn streets of Hive
charismatic, cunning or domineering individual. Some Ganymede. Though they outnumbered the traitor
of these leaders enact their will through the respect forces three-to-one, the Astra Militarum could not
of their warriors or the rank invested in them by their contend with the incredible tactical acumen of the
military station. Others, such as the Boss Nobz that rule heretics’ leader, a champion of the Alpha Legion
over Ork mobs, take charge by dint of being the biggest known as the Serpent’s Shadow. This devious
and toughest, able to clobber any of the ladz who do figure was marked for death, the job falling to a
not follow their orders to the letter. Still others ply the hand-picked band of Ultramarines battle-brothers
lash of fear, or command absolute obedience through known as Kill Team Agrippius.
mind control or sacred religious station. Whichever
holds true, a kill team’s leader is both its brain and its The team’s leader, Sergeant Agrippius, was
heart, the strategic mastermind who ensures that their renowned for his steely will and ability to push
warriors fight in the optimum fashion and hold their his brothers on to deeds that seemed remarkable,
ground when the odds are against them. even for post-human Space Marines. This effect
was all the more pronounced considering the
Specialistsare the other asset common to every kill exceptional skill of the specialist warriors within
team. Though they can take many forms – from master the squad’s ranks. Brother Crassus was the team’s
assassin to berserk killer, volatile pyromaniac to wily demolitions expert, who used his timed krak-
trapper – these skilled individuals bring vital equipment charges to cripple the unmarked APC in which the
and talents to the battlefield. While every warrior within Alpha Legion target travelled. To Brother Ignatio,
a kill team matters, and all can win victory with their the squad’s marksman, fell the job of gunning
comrades through sufficient faith and fortune, it is the down the target’s bodyguards, a task which he
specialists who most often land the killing blow. fulfilledadmirably as he made shot after pinpoint
shot through the eyepiecesof their helms as they
The longer a kill team fights together, and the more disembarked. Finally, the coup de grâce was landed
missions that they successfullycomplete, the more by Brother Taurian, who blew the stranded APC –
deadly a military force they become. Warriors initially and the target inside – sky-high with his reverently
thrown together by fate, or the orders of distant maintained missile launcher.
superiors, learn to fight seamlesslyalongside one
another. They become adept at anticipating each other’s As kill teams gain experience, so too do their leaders
actions, and build bonds of loyalty that see them fight and their specialists reach ever higher levelsof personal
harder than ever when they do so side-by-side. skill. Commanders that at first were daunted by their
role become bellowing firebrands or shrewd strategists
Many teams develop private combat languages, be whose authority over their warriors is absolute. Snipers
they subtle inflections, hand signals or encoded vox- become increasingly accurate until they can thread a
clicks, that allow them to communicate stealthily and shot through the smallest gap and fell their victim every
efficientlywhen fighting behind enemy lines. Such kill time. Close-combat specialists become more dangerous
teams are united by victories and defeats shared, by with each battle they survive, some transforming into
hardships faced and comrades lost; many will affect sublimely skilled and elegant killers, while others
ad hoc markings or honour badges in remembrance degenerate into scarred berserkers that cut notches
of their greatest – or darkest – hours. While they into their gore-stained weapons for each enemy slain.
may become insular and hostile towards outsiders, or Explosivesexperts become artists of destruction,
difficult for their superior officersto handle, long- zealots find the fires of their faith burning ever higher,
serving kill teams also build well-deserved reputations heavy weapons troopers become engines of slaughter
as elite military assets, best deployed when no one else and field-medics become adept at swiftlyand calmly
can get the job done. restoring even catastrophically wounded warriors to
fighting efficiency.
So do kill teams grow into legendary bands of warriors,
heroes or villains about whom tales are told and legends
spun. The rivalries between such squads are fierce
indeed, and the ferocious battles they engage in are
amongst the most dynamic and close-fought conflicts of
the 41st Millennium.
Thegalaxyis vast, and in this darkage there is precious little of its immense span that does not echo to the
sound of gunfire and burn with the fires of war. Yet even amongst this whirling maelstrom, certain war
zones have a reputation for their size and ferocity.
From storm-tossed ocean planets and hellish jungle- The first two Imperial offensiveswere crushing failures,
covered death worlds to ruined cityscapes,fortified the Emperor’s armies flung back by the sheer weight
strongholds and even the claustrophobic corridors of firepower and the ablative, scrap-metal resilience
of derelict spacecraft, kill teams go into action across of the fortress’ structure. Before the third wave went
myriad different battlefields. Each brings its own in, several kill teams of Blood Angels Primaris Space
variety of conditions, challenges and opportunities for Marines deployed onto the structure’s topmost towers,
a cunning commander and their skilled followers to swiftlyvanishing into its enormity on targeted missions.
exploit. Each also plays host to dangers untold. Though the Blood Angels faced stern opposition
from mobs of Ork Nobz and greenskin Kommandos,
The supreme commanders of the 41st Millennium have they succeeded in knocking out the fortress’ shield
incredible military forces at their disposal. Entire fleets generators, demolishing its main gate from within, and
of deep-space battleships clash above war-torn worlds, assassinating – at steep cost in lives – the Orks’ warlord.
disgorging wave upon wave of invading warriors in When the final Imperial attack was launched, it surged
cavernous landing craft. Brigades of heavily armoured to victory thanks to the kill teams’ efforts.
fighting vehicles clash across cratered plains. Vast
hordes of infantry meet in desperate battle, while fighter
craft and wings of bombers duel overhead.
Yet there are many scenarios in which the precise Thousands more war zones have seen drastic changes in
application of a small but highly trained force can fortune after a kill team struck a crushing blow, while in
garner far greater success than the sledgehammer others the very nature of the terrain or the conditions
deployment of massed armies. Many missions must makes the deployment of kill teams far more effective
be accomplished in secrecy, while for other conflicts than sending in armies. The tangled arboreal world
the element of surprise is as valuable a weapon as any of Lucifere II, for example, is all but unnavigable for
amount of heavy artillery. On Prassima V, a kill team of anything larger than infantry on foot. Yet it is here that
Alpha Legionnaires used the shrine world’s long-defunct Gunnery Sergeant ‘Stonetooth’Harker and his notorious
network of holy water aqueducts to bypass thousands Catachan Devils hunted down and exterminated a slew
of zealot militia and strike directly at Cardinal Munce. of Tyranid vanguard broods, any of which could have
Emerging into the cardinal’s spire-top gardens, the called down a full-scale Tyranid invasion upon the
traitors ambushed the squad of White Consuls Space life-rich world.
Marines charged with guarding Munce’s life. The
loyalists fought hard but, out of position and taken The cramped tunnelplexes of Elboryth are another
by surprise in their inner sanctum, they were slain. war zone where kill teams prove particularly effective.
Munce was left dangling upside down amidst his own Here, raiding bands of Drukhari, Adepta Sororitas and
entrails from the crook of the statue of Saint Katherine, Necrons do constant battle as they attempt to wrest
while the Alpha Legionnaires’escape was covered by control of the planet’s buried catacombs – and the riches
explosive booby traps that they left in their wake to that lie within – from each other.
be triggered by frantic militiamen. The same kill team
struck a further three times, fanning the flames of panic While all-out war ravages the forge world of Ryza,
and anger until Prassima V was consumed by a vicious smaller but no less deadly conflicts rage daily through
internecine holy war. the rear lines of both the Adeptus Mechanicus and the
Orks. On one hand, raiding parties of Skitarii seek to
Sometimes, a commander must wield kill teams and sabotage greenskin war engines and assassinate their
massed forces in concert, the one paving the way to
victory for the other. On Stenoth, during the Wars of
Admonishment, the Imperial advance was stymied by a
preposterously immense Ork fortress known as Gork’s
Gut. A city-sized edifice that – at its highest points –
broke the upper atmosphere, Gork’s Gut was wreathed
in kustom force fields and defended by millions of Orks.
Operating well ahead of the main T’aubattle line, a team of Pathfindersmarks out Imperial supply caches for
devastating bombing runs by Sun Sharkaircraft.
leaders. On the other, Ork Kommandos strike at crucial festering marshes are densely carpeted by carnivorous
production sites and steal prototype weaponry for their plant-life, kill teams demonstrate worth far beyond their
Meks to cannibalise. Thus do the kill teams of both races numbers. Where battle tanks or massed infantry would
aid their war efforts. flounder and fail, a kill team can slip on towards their
objectives.Ambushes, booby traps and bladework rule
Many Imperial worlds boast sprawling hive cities or such battlefields, with warriors forced to cut their way
industrial macroplexes that stretch over continents, through hostile – and sometimes sentient – undergrowth
and that rapidly devolve into labyrinthine hellscapes before coming suddenly face-to-face with the foe.
once war consumes them. Kill teams excel in such
conditions; they can move quickly through the ruined Even upon the most sweeping and apocalyptic of
streets, flitting between bombed-out buildings, warriors battle-fronts, kill teams find many uses. Where Imperial
covering each other as they move from one outcropping trenchworks or heretical fortifications stretch to the
of twisted wreckage to the next. Snipers and heavy horizon in all directions, where super-heavy war
weapon specialists clamber up to vantage points amidst engines hurl munitions at one another from miles
the looming skeletons of burned-out manufactorums apart and massed attack waves clash in the blood and
and refinery plants. Combat experts dash from one horror of no man’s land, a subtle and well-placed blade
smouldering crater to the next, rapidly closing on their may achieve what thousands of screaming warriors
foes even as courageous warriors scramble through cannot. Command bunkers vanish in sudden fireballs
rusting pipes and leap between teetering ruins to as kill team charges detonate. Ammunition shipments
outflank the enemy’s position. or messenger drones vanish without trace, leaving
entire regiments paralysed. Artillery strikes are called
Jungle worlds are host to many types of environments in with shocking accuracy by unseen spotters. Whole
amongst which kill teams often do battle. Where armies strike from unexpected quarters thanks to
bladed throttlevines and fang trees cluster close amidst summoning rituals or teleportation rites performed by
sheer-sided ravines, where craggy mountain slopes or infiltrating elements.
‘In a battle such as this, there is no
help to be had, no support incoming
or reinforcements to be called
upon. Layyour plans carefully and
consider every move, lest it prove
your last.’
- Blood Angels Scout Sergeant
Rafaen, during the battle for
Hades Hive
Kill Team puts each playerin command of a force of hand-picked fighters tasked with a vital mission. Thecore
rules on these pages contain everything you need to know in order to use your Citadel Miniatures to wage covert
war against one or more opponents for control of the battlefields of the 41st Millennium.
TOOLSOF WAR Most games of Kill Team are played on an area of 30"
by 22",which is the size of the gameboard included in
In order to play a game of Kill Team, you will need your the boxed game. You can play games of Kill Team on a
Citadel Miniatures, a tape measure, a playing surface playing surface of any size, though if it is any smaller
(which could simply be a table), and some dice. You than 24"by 24"you may find it feels a bit cramped!
may also find it helpful to have tokens that you can
use to show when your models have acted – these are Kill Team uses six-sided dice, sometimes abbreviated to
available in a number of Kill Team products. D6. Some rules refer to 2D6, 3D6 and so on – in such
cases, roll that many D6s and add the results together.
Distances in Kill Team are measured in inches (") If a rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a D6 and halve
between the closest points of the bases of the models the result. When halving any dice roll, round fractions
you’re measuring to and from. An object (such as a up before applying modifiers (if any) to the result.
model) is said to be within a certain range (e.g. 6") of All modifiers are cumulative. Some rules refer to an
something if the distance to that thing is that range or ‘unmodified roll’ – this means the result shown by the
less. So, for example, a model is within 6" of another dice, before any modifiers are applied.
model as long as it is 6" or less from that model. If a
model does not have a base, measure to and from the If a rule requires a dice roll of, for example, 3 or more,
closest point of that model instead. You can measure this is often abbreviated to 3+.
distances whenever you wish.
As billowing smoke rolls through the war-torn streets of Hive Magnius Delta, Skitarii and GenestealerCults
kill teams engage in a savagefirefight to seize control of vital supplies.
Once you have your tools of war, you’llneed to choose Some rules or abilities will ask you to randomly
a mission to play. There is a mission included in these determine something, usually a model from a kill
core rules – Covert War (pg 41) – but there are others in team. You may do this in a variety of ways,but the
this book and available in other Kill Team products, and simplest is to assign a number to each and roll a
you can even make up your missions. The mission you number of D6 (or D10 – that is, ten-sided dice),
play may have a bearing on which Citadel Miniatures re-rolling any results not assigned to an eligible
you use or how you set up the battlefield. For more model. For example, if you need to randomly select
information about the different kinds of missions and a model from a kill team of 5, you would assign each
choosing one to play, see page 48. model a number from 1 to 5 and roll a D6, re-rolling
any results of 6. If the group you’re randomising is
KILLTEAMS,ENEMYMODELS larger than 10, simply split the group into 2 or more
AND PLAYERS smaller groups (of no more than 10), randomly
determine one of those groups and then randomly
The models that a player brings to a game of Kill Team determine the result within that group.
are collectivelyknown as that player’skill team. There
are rules for choosing which models are included in
your kill team – these are found on page 62. These rules
may be influenced by the mission you have chosen to
play. All models in the same kill team are referred to as
‘friendlymodels’,while all other models are referred to
as ‘enemymodels’.All other players are referred to as
‘opponents’ or ‘enemyplayers’.
A player is said to be ‘controlling’the models in their kill
team, and may be referred to as the ‘controlling player’
in the rules that follow.
In Warhammer 40,000,mighty armies clash across
spectacular tabletop battlefields. Where Kill Team
focuses on individual squads, the Warhammer
40,000rulebook gives you all the rules you need to
fight battles between entire battalions of warriors,
war engines and heroes.
Each codex provides you with the background and
rules for one of the many factions in Warhammer
40,000.With this information, you can make your
kill team the foundation of an army!
Thecharacteristicsof models are described on datasheets, which you will need in order to use them in
battle. This book includes all the datasheets you need to play Kill Team, and the details of the weapons
used on the battlefield. Here we explain the information found on datasheets and in weapon profiles.
1. Model Name 4. WargearOptions
Here you’llfind the name of the model. Some models have the option to exchange the wargear
listed in their description for other options. Where that
2. Profiles is the case, the options will be listed here.
These contain the following characteristics that tell you 5. Abilities
how mighty models (and their variants) are:
Many models have exciting special abilities that are not
Move (M): This is the speed at which a model moves covered by the core rules: these will be described here.
across the battlefield.
6. Specialists
Weapon Skill (WS):This tells you a model’s skill at
hand-to-hand fighting. If a model has a Weapon Skillof You can choose for some of the models in your kill team
‘-’it is unable to fight in melee and cannot make close to be specialists (pg 66). This section of a datasheet tells
combat attacks at all. you what kind of specialist each model can be.
Ballistic Skill (BS): This shows how accurate a model 7. Keywords
is when shooting with ranged weapons. If a model has
a BallisticSkillof ‘-’it has no proficiency with ranged All datasheets have a list of keywords, sometimes
weapons and cannot make shooting attacks at all. separated into Faction keywords and other keywords.
The former can be used as a guide to help decide which
Strength (S): This indicates how strong a model is models to include in your kill team, but otherwise both
and how likely it is to inflict damage in hand-to- sets of keywords are functionally the same. Sometimes a
hand combat. rule will say that it applies to models that have a specific
keyword. For example, a rule might say that it applies to
Toughness (T): This reflects the model’s resilience ‘allADEPTUSASTARTESmodels’.This means it would
against physical harm. only apply to models that have the Adeptus Astartes
keyword on their datasheet.
Wounds (W): Wounds show how much damage a MODIFYINGCHARACTERISTICS
model can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries.
You may encounter abilities and rules that modify a
Attacks(A): This tells you how many times a model can characteristic.All modifiers are cumulative, though
strike blows in hand-to-hand combat. you should apply any multiplication or division to the
characteristic(rounding fractions up) before applying
Leadership(Ld):This reveals how courageous, any addition or subtraction.
determined or self-controlled a model is.
You may also encounter a characteristicthat is a
Save(Sv):This indicates the protection a model’s random value instead of a number. For example, a
armour gives. Move characteristicmight be 2D6", or an Attacks
value might be D6. Roll to determine this value each
Maximum Number (Max):This number tells you how time the model uses that characteristic(e.g. when it
many of this model you can include in a kill team. moves or makes attacks). Note that, regardlessof the
source, characteristicsof ‘-’can never be modified,
3. Description and the Strength, Toughness and Leadership
characteristicsof a model can never be modified
This tells you what the model is armed with. All below 1.
weapons have a profile described later in the same
section of the book as the datasheet. Some datasheets
have variant models with their own profiles, and where
this is the case they will be described here.
The weapons that the models in Kill Team use are Each model and each piece of wargear has a points
described using a set of characteristics as follows: cost, as listed in each Faction’s section later in the
book. These points costs are used when choosing a
Range:How far the weapon can shoot. Weapons Battle-forged kill team (pg 62), and the total points
with a Range of ‘Melee’can only be used in hand-to- costs of all the models and wargear in your kill team
hand combat. All other weapons are referred to as is known as its ‘Force’.A kill team’s Force gives a
ranged weapons. value to a kill team that represents its strength, and
is used when players are choosing kill teams of equal
Type: These are all explained under the Shooting and (or particular) strengths.
Fight phases of the core rules.
Strength (S): How likely the weapon is to inflict
damage. If a weapon’s Strength lists ‘User’,it is equal Some models have abilities that affect certain models
to the wielder’scurrent Strength. If a weapon lists a within a given range. Unless the ability in question
modifier such as ‘+1’or ‘x2’,you should modify the says otherwise, a model with a rule like this is always
user’s current Strength characteristic as shown to within range of the effect.For example, an Acolyte
determine the weapon’s Strength. For example, if a Hybrid with a cult icon gains the Cult Icon ability,
weapon’s Strength was ‘x2’,and the user had a Strength which allows re-rolls on hit rolls of 1 for friendly
characteristic of 6, that weapon has Strength 12. models within 6".As the Acolyte Hybrid is always
within 6" of itself, it benefits from this ability as well.
Armour Penetration (AP): How good it is at getting
through armour.
Damage (D): The amount of damage inflicted by a
successful hit.
Abilities: Some weapons have additional abilities that
change how they are used or what happens when they are
used. Where this is the case, it will be described here.
All of a model’s weapons are described later in this
book, in the appendix for that model’s Faction.
EachKill Team mission is played in a series of battle rounds. During each battle round, all playersact in Initiative Phase
an order determined in the Initiative phase. Eachbattle round consists of a series of phases, which must
be resolved in order.
1. Initiative phase 3. Psychic phase 6. Morale phase
2. Movement phase 4. Shooting phase
5. Fight phase ISCONCLUDED.
Victory in war can be decided in a split second, a moment in which one side gains the upper hand.
In the Initiative phase, the players each roll 2D6. The ROLL-OFFS
players’results determine who has the first turn in each
phase in this battle round, with the highest scorer taking Some rules instruct players to roll off.To do so, each
the first turn, the next highest taking the second turn player rolls a D6 (or 2D6 if there are more than two
and so on. The player with the first turn is referred to as players), and whoever scores highest wins the
the player with the initiative. Any players who roll the roll-off. In the case of a tie, those players re-roll their
same result should roll their dice again to determine dice – if the second and subsequent rolls are also
which of them has a turn before the other(s). Once the tied, keep on rolling until a winner is determined;
player order has been established, the Initiative phase this is the only time players can re-roll a re-roll.
ends and the Movement phase begins.
Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which You’lloccasionally find that two or more rules are
means you get to roll some or all of the dice again. to be resolved at the same time – normally ‘at the
If a rule allows you to re-roll a result that was made start of the Movement phase’ or ‘beforethe battle
by adding several dice together (2D6, 3D6 etc.) begins’.When this happens, the player who has the
then, unless otherwise stated, you must roll all of initiative chooses the order. If these things occur
those dice again. You can never re-roll a dice more before or after the game, or before the player with
than once, and re-rolls happen before modifiers the initiative for the battle round is decided, the
(if any) are applied. players roll off and the winner decides in what
order the rules are resolved.
Some rules or abilities refer to the beginning or end of a phase. Rules or abilities used at the beginning of the
phase are used before any player’sturn in that phase. Rules or abilities used at the end of the phase are used
after all players’turns in that phase.
2. MOVEMENTPHASE PMhoavseement
Warriors move carefully towards their objective, advancequickly across the battlefield, or charge their
enemies even as their comrades prepare to unleash covering fire.
In the Movement phase, each player will take it in turn model at the end of the move so that it is facing in any
to move all of the models in their kill team that they direction. The distance a model moves is measured
wish to move, following the order determined in the using the part of the model’s base that moves furthest
Initiative phase. Once a player has moved all of the from its starting position (including any pivots). If the
models they want to, the next player does the same, model has no base, measure the move using whichever
and so on until all players have moved all of the models part of the model moves furthest from its starting
they wish to move. Once all players have done so, the position. A model that only pivots is still considered to
Movement phase ends and the Psychic phase begins. have moved. A model must end its move on a surface it
can stand on (though see Wobbly Model Syndrome on
When it is your turn, pick a model from your kill team page 25).
and move it. You can then pick another model from
your kill team to move, until you have moved as many MOVINGOVERTERRAIN
of the models in your kill team as you wish. No model
can be moved more than once in each Movement phase Unless stated otherwise, a model can be moved over a
– if you have Kill Team tokens, place a token next to piece of terrain but not through it (so models cannot
each model you move as a reminder. move through a wall or a wreck, but can climb up or
over them). A model can be moved vertically in order
MOVING to climb or cross a piece of terrain, counting the vertical
distance up and/or down as part of its move.
You can change the position of a model on the
battlefield by making a move with the model. Models FLY
can be moved in the Movement phase and the Fight
phase, and some abilities may allow a model to make a If the datasheet for a model says it can FLY(i.e. it has the
move in other phases too. FLYkeyword), it can move across models and terrain –
other than impassable terrain (see page 42) – as if they
Whenever you move a model, it can be moved in any were not there, though it must end its move on a surface
direction or combination of directions, but cannot it can stand on, other than another model or another
be moved across other models or their bases, nor can model’s base. Do not measure vertical distance when
it cross the edge of the battlefield. You can pivot the moving a model that can FLY.
TheSkitariiRangerand Vanguardeach havea Move characteristicof 6".Theirplayermoves the Ranger6"acrossthe
battlefield,and the Vanguard1.5"towardsthe wall,4"up the wall,and 0.5"acrossthe top of the ruin to its final position.
NORMALMOVE can FLY. If you have Kill Team tokens, place a Fall Back
token next to the model as a reminder.
Most moves made in the Movement phase are
called normal moves. A model making a normal ADVANCING
move can move a distance equal to or less than its
Move characteristic. When you pick a model to move, instead of making a
normal move with that model you can declare that it
Enemy Models will Advance, unless it is within 1" of an enemy model.
If you do so, make an Advance roll by rolling a D6.
When you make a normal move (or Advance, see right) Add the result to the model’s Move characteristic for
with a model, it may not be moved within 1" of any that Movement phase. You can then move that model a
enemy models. When you pick a model to move, if it is distance equal to or less than its Move characteristic. A
within 1" of any enemy models, it cannot make a normal model that Advances cannot charge, React or shoot later
move (or Advance). that battle round. If you have Kill Team tokens, place an
Advance token next to the model as a reminder.
When you pick a model to move, if that model started
the Movement phase within 1" of an enemy model, When you pick a model to move, instead of making a
it cannot make a normal move. Instead, it can either normal move (including pivoting the model) you can
remain stationary or Fall Back. A model cannot Fall Ready them, unless they are within 1" of an enemy
Back if an enemy model finished a charge move within model. A model that is Readied in the Movement phase
1" of it in the same phase. If you choose to Fall Back, has an advantage in the subsequent Shooting phase,
the model can move a distance equal to or less than its as described on page 28. If you have Kill Team tokens,
Move characteristic, but must end its move more than place a Ready token next to the model as a reminder. If
1" away from all enemy models. If a model Falls Back, the model moves for any reason, it is no longer Readied
it cannot Advance, charge, React (see opposite) or be – remove this token.
Readied (see right) in that phase. A model that Falls
Back also cannot shoot later that battle round unless it
TheSkitariiplayerchooses to FallBackwith the SkitariiVanguard.Theymove the model so it is more than 1"from the
Neophyte Hybrid.TheSkitariiplayerAdvanceswith the VanguardAlpha. Theyroll a 4, so – adding this result to the
VanguardAlpha’sMove characteristicof 6"– may move it up to 10".
TheGenestealerCults playerdeclaresthat the Neophyte Hybridwill chargeboth SkitariiVanguard.TheSkitariiplayer
chooses for one of their Vanguardto Retreatas a Reactionto the charge,and moves their model 3"away.Theythen
declarethat their other Vanguardwill fire Overwatch,and resolve that attackbefore the chargemove is made.
CHARGING A model can React if it is the target of a charging model
and it is more than 1" from an enemy model. A model
When you pick a model to move, if it is not within can either fire Overwatch or Retreat when it Reacts.
1" of an enemy model and is within 12" of an enemy If, at any point, the charging model is slain, no further
model, instead of making a normal move you can Reactions can be made for this charge sequence.
declare that it will attempt to charge. Follow the charge
sequence below. Overwatch
CHARGESEQUENCE Overwatch is a special type of shooting attack that is
described on page 31. A target model can potentially fire
1. Choose target(s) Overwatch several times in a battle round.
2. Enemy Reacts
3. Roll 2D6 and make charge move Retreat
1. Choose Target(s) A target model cannot Retreat if it has already made a
move of any kind (or attempted to charge) in this phase.
Choose one or more enemy models within 12"of the A model can Retreat if it has already fired Overwatch in
charging model as the target(s) of the charge. this phase. When a model Retreats, it can be moved up
to 3" by the controlling player. This move must end with
2. React the model further away from the charging model, and
more than 1" from any other enemy models. A model
After you have declared a charge, any opponents take that Retreats cannot React later in the battle round,
it in turn to make Reactions with any models from and cannot shoot later in the battle round (unless it can
their kill teams that are allowed to do so, if they wish to FLY). If you have Kill Team tokens, place a Fall Back
do so, in the order determined in the Initiative phase. token next to the model as a reminder.
Once one opponent has resolved all of their models’
Reactions, the next player can do so, and so on.
3. MakeChargeMove If the model cannot finish its move while following these
restrictions, the charge fails and the model is not said to
After all Reactions have been resolved, make a charge have charged – however, the model can move up to its
roll by rolling 2D6. The charging model can move up to charge distance, as long as that move takes it as close as
this number of inches – this is their charge distance this possible to at least one of the targets of its charge, and
turn. To make a successful charge roll, the model must not within 1" of any enemy models. A model can only
finish its move within 1" of at least one of the target make one charge attempt in each Movement phase, and
models. A model that does so is said to have charged, once it has done so it cannot shoot later in the battle
and the enemy models that are within 1" of it at the round. If you have Kill Team tokens, place a Charge
end of its move are said to have been charged. It cannot token next to the model as a reminder.
move within 1" of an enemy model that was not a target
of its charge.
Thechargeroll of 8 gives the Neophyte Hybrida chargedistance of 8".It is able to move to within 1"of one of its targets
with this distance, so the Neophyte Hybridis moved to within 1"of that model. If the playerhad not rolled high enough
for the Neophyte Hybridto reachany of its targets,the chargewould have failed.
In a game as detailed and wide-ranging as Kill
Team, there may be times when you are not sure
exactly how to resolve a situation that has come up
during play. When this happens, have a quick chat
with your opponent(s) and apply the solution that
makes the most sense to you (or seems the most
fun!). If no single solution presents itself, you and
your opponent(s) should roll off, and whoever rolls
highest gets to choose what happens. Then you can
get on with the game!
Sometimes you may find that a particular piece of Some models have the ability to be set up on the
terrain makes it hard to put a model exactly where battlefield mid-battle round, sometimes by using
you want. If you delicately balance it in place, it is teleporters, grav-chutes or other, more esoteric
very likely to fall as soon as somebody nudges the means. Typically, this happens at the end of the
table, leaving your model damaged or even broken. Movement phase, but it can also happen during
In cases like this, we find it is perfectly acceptable other phases. Models that are set up in this manner
to leave the model in a safer position, as long as all cannot move further, Advance or charge during
players have agreed and know its ‘actual’location. the battle round they arrive, though they can
If, later on, an opponent is considering shooting otherwise act normally (use psychic powers, shoot,
the model, you will have to hold it back in the etc.) for the rest of the battle round. Models that
proper place so they can check if it is visible. arrive as reinforcements count as having made
a normal move for all rules purposes, such as
shooting Heavy weapons (pg 29). Any model that
has not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the
battle counts as having been taken out of action
(pg 32).
Psychic Phase
Warrior mystics and sorcerers wield the strange power of the warpto aid their allies and destroy their
foes. Harnessing this force is not without risk, however, and with the smallest mistake, there can be
horrendous consequences.
Some models are noted as being a PSYKERon their 2. Take Psychic Test
datasheet. Psykers can manifest their otherworldly
abilities and attempt to deny enemy sorceries. In the You can attempt to manifest a psychic power with a
Psychic phase, players take it in turn to choose a single psyker from your kill team by taking a Psychic test.
psyker from their kill team with which to attempt to To do so, roll 2D6. If the total is equal to or greater
manifest one or more psychic powers, in the order than that power’s warp charge value, the power is
determined in the Initiative phase. Each player can only successfullymanifested.
choose a single psyker in each battle round, and once all
players with any psykers have done so (or have decided Perils of the Warp
not to), the Psychic phase ends and the Shooting phase
begins. Each attempt to manifest a psychic power uses If you roll a double 1 or a double 6 when taking
the following sequence. a Psychic test, the psyker immediately suffers
Perils of the Warp. The psyker suffers D3 mortal
PSYCHICSEQUENCE wounds (pg 33). If the psyker is taken out of
action (pg 32) by Perils of the Warp, the power
1. Choose power they were attempting to manifest automatically
2. Take Psychic test fails and each model within 3" immediately
3. Enemy takes Deny the Witch test suffers D3 mortal wounds.
4. Resolve psychic power
‘Thewarp. It is known by many names: the
1. Choose Power sea of souls, the empyrean, the immaterium…
It is a realm of boundless energy that can
First, declare the power that the psyker you have chosen both empower and destroy. It is the domain
will attempt to manifest. The powers a psyker knows, of Daemons, the predatory entities that
and the number of powers they can attempt to manifest serve the dreaded Chaos Gods, and that will
or deny in each Psychic phase, are detailed on their greedily devour the soul of any living thing
datasheet. A psyker cannot attempt to manifest the same should they be given the chance.
psychic power more than once in a battle round.
It is from the warp that those with psychic
Psychic Powers abilities draw their power, to hurl crackling
arcs of lethal energiesat their enemies, to
Unless stated otherwise, all psykers know the Psybolt shield their comrades from harm, or to scry
psychic power, detailed below. Some know other the skeins of the future. Suchwitchery may
powers instead of, or in addition to, Psybolt– the be undone using the very same forcesthat
model’s datasheets and other supplementary rules you gave rise to it, or, more rarely, the sourceof a
are using will make it clear which powers each psyker psychic null field.
knows. If a psyker generates their powers before the
battle, do so immediately before any players begin to Yet all must beware when the veil is
deploy their kill team. pierced, for the minds of psykers burn like
beacons in the warp. Thedeeper they draw
Psybolt from the well, the greater and more terrible
are the malign entities that may be attracted
Psybolthas a warp charge value of 5. If manifested, to their mind-spoor.
the closest enemy model within 18"of and visible
to the psyker suffers 1 mortal wound (pg 33). If the At such times must the whispers of
result of the Psychic test was 11+, the target suffers Daemons be resisted with the greatest
D3 mortal wounds instead. fervour!All it takes is a single moment of
weakness to invite damnation and death
upon all.’
- Extract from Grimenghael’sTreatise on the
Perilsof the Immaterium
3. Deny the Witch Tests To take a Deny the Witch test, roll 2D6. If the total is
greater than the result of the Psychic test that manifested
If there are any enemy psykers within 24"of a psyker the power, it has been successfullyresisted and its effects
that has manifested a psychic power, the controlling are negated.
player can choose one of those models to take a Deny
the Witch test to resist the psychic power. The number 4. Resolve Psychic Power
of times a psyker can make a Deny the Witch attempt
in each battle round is specified on their datasheet. So long as the Psychic test was successful,the psyker
Only one model can take a Deny the Witch test for was not taken out of action as a result of Perils of the
each psychic power that is manifested, regardless of the Warp, and the attempt was not successfullyresisted by
number of models that could make an attempt or the a Deny the Witch test, then the controlling player may
number of times each is allowed to try and Deny the resolve the effect of the psychic power, which will be
Witch in each battle round. described in the power itself.
If more than one player has an eligiblemodel to take a If the psyker can attempt to manifest more than one
Deny the Witch test, players take it in turn to choose a psychic power in each battle round, the controlling
model from their kill team to take a Deny the Witch test player may then attempt to manifest another psychic
with, or pass, in the order determined in the Initiative power with them, following the same sequence, until
phase. If a player passes, it is the next player’sturn to they cannot make any more attempts or do not wish to
choose, and so on until a player chooses a model to take make any further attempts.
a Deny the Witch test or all players with eligiblemodels
have passed.
Shooting Phase
Gun muzzles flare, shots ring out, and grenades crackas sentries are eliminated; lone operatives are
picked off, or multiple combatants are mown down in sudden crossfires.
In the Shooting phase, players take it in turn to choose a 1. ChooseModeltoShootWith
model from their kill team to shoot with. The Shooting
phase is split into two sections: in the first section When it is your turn, choose a model from your kill
Readied models shoot, and in the second section other team to shoot with. You may not choose a model that
models shoot. No model can be chosen to shoot more has made a charge attempt, Advanced, Fallen Back
than once in a Shooting phase – if you have Kill Team (unless it can FLY) or Retreated this battle round, or
tokens, place a Shoot token next to each model which a model that is within 1" of an enemy model. Unless
shoots as a reminder. otherwise stated, the model attacks with all of the
ranged weapons it is armed with, one after the other.
2. ChooseRangedWeaponand Targets
Having chosen a shooting model, you must pick the
ranged weapon it will use and the target model (or
models, see opposite) for the attacks. The weapons a
model has are listed on its datasheet.
READY,FIRE! Range and Visibility
Readied models shoot before all other models. Players In order for a shooting model to target an enemy
take it in turn to choose a Readied model from their kill model, the enemy model must be within the Range of
team to shoot with (following the sequence below), or the weapon being used (as listed on its profile) and be
pass, in the order determined in the Initiative phase. If a visible to the shooting model. If unsure, stoop down and
player passes, it is the next player’sturn to choose. Once get a look from behind the shooting model to see if any
all players have done so, they do so again in the same part of the target is visible from any part of the shooting
order, until all players pass in succession. When all of model. Models cannot target enemy models that are
the players pass in succession, the Ready, Fire! section of within 1" of friendly models – the risk of hitting your
the Shooting phase is over. own troops is too great.
FIREAT WILL Number of Attacks
Once the Ready, Fire! section of the Shooting phase is Each time a model shoots a ranged weapon, it will make
over, players take it in turn to choose a model from their a number of attacks. You roll one dice for each attack
kill team to shoot with, or pass, in the order determined being made. The number of attacks a model can make
in the Initiative phase. If a player passes, it is the next with a weapon, and therefore the number of dice you
player’sturn to choose. Once all players have done so, can roll, is found on the weapon’s profile, along with the
they do so again in the same order, until all players pass weapon’s type. A weapon’s type can impact the number
in succession. When all of the players pass in succession, of attacks it can make (see opposite).
the Shooting phase is over and the Fight phase begins.
Each shooting attack uses the following sequence:
The rules for resolvingattacks (pg 30-32) have been
SHOOTING SEQUENCE written assuming you will make them one at a time.
However, it is possibleto speedup your battles by rolling
1. Choose model to shoot with the dice for similar attacks together. In order to make
2. Choose ranged weapon and targets severalattacks at once, all of the attacks must have
3. Resolve attacks the same BallisticSkill (if it’s a shootingattack) or the
same Weapon Skill (if it’s a closecombat attack) and
• Makehit roll be subject to the same modifiers. They must also have
• Makewound roll the same Strength, Armour Penetration and Damage
• Enemy makes saving throw characteristics,and they must be directed at the same
• Inflict damage model. If this is the case,make all of the hit rollsat the
4. Choose another ranged weapon same time, then all of the wound rolls.Your opponent
and targets can then make the saving throws one at a time and
suffer damage each time as appropriate.
Targets Some weapons make a random number of attacks
– D3 or D6, for example. Once a player has rolled
If a weapon makes more than one attack, you can to determine how many shots a weapon of this kind
choose for the shooting model to make all of them makes, they can choose a target or targets as normal.
against the same target, or to split them. If you choose
to split its attacks, you must split them between an Each type of ranged weapon also has an additional rule
initial target model, chosen as described above, and any that, depending upon the situation, might affect the
number of enemy models within 2" of that target that accuracy of the weapon or when it can be fired. These
are also eligibletargets. After determining the number are as follows:
of shots made (if necessary, see right), declare how you
will split the shooting model’s shots before making any ASSAULT
hit rolls, and resolve all the shots against one target Assault weapons fire so rapidly or indiscriminately
before moving on to the next. that they can be shot from the hip as warriorsdash
forwardsinto combat.
Forexample, a Skitarii Vanguard is firinghis radium
carbine (an Assault 3 weapon, which means it firesthree You can choose to shoot with a model with an Assault
shots). He has two eligibletargets, and they are within weapon in the Shooting phase (or React with that
2"of one another, so the controllingplayer decides that model to fire Overwatch) even if it Advanced earlier in
the Skitarii Vanguard will split his attacks. Theplayer that battle round. If it does so, it can only fire Assault
will make two attacks against one of the targets, and one weapons, and you must subtract 1 from any hit rolls
attack against the other. made when firing that weapon this battle round.
Weapon Types HEAVY
Heavy weapons are the biggest and deadliest guns on
There are fivetypes of ranged weapon: Assault, Heavy, the battlefield, but require reloading, careful set-up or
Rapid Fire, Grenade and Pistol. A model shooting one bracing to fire at full effect.
of these weapons can make a number of attacks equal
to the number written on its profile after its type. For If a model with a Heavy weapon moved in the preceding
example, a model firing an ‘Assault1’weapon can make Movement phase, you must subtract 1 from any hit rolls
1 attack with that weapon; a model firing a ‘Heavy3’ made when firing that weapon this battle round.
weapon can make 3 attacks, etc.
Skitariiarc pistol GenestealerCult autopistol Skitariiradium pistol
ThisGenestealerCult grenadelauncheris an Assault Skitariiarc rifles are RapidFire weapons, which means
weapon with multiple ammunition types. they make more shots at targetswithin half range.
A Skitariitransuranicarquebusis a Heavyweapon
that does not sufferthe normal penalty for firing at
long range.
Rapid Fire weapons are capableof single aimed shots
at long range and controlled bursts at close quarters. Other models (even friendly models) and terrain
may hide a target from view. If the target of an
A model firing a Rapid Fire weapon doubles the number attack is even partially obscured from the best
of attacks it makes if all of its targets are within half the point of view of the firing model (that is, the
weapon’s Range characteristic. point of view from a part of the firing model that
gives the clearest line of sight), then it is said to be
GRENADE obscured.
Grenadesare handheld explosive devices that a
warriorthrows at the enemy while their squad mates When checking to see if a target is obscured,
provide covering fire. consider the main body of the firing and target
models – do not include a model’s base or parts
A model in your kill team armed with a Grenade that are ‘stickingout’ like aerials or weapons, but
weapon may fire it in Overwatch or in the Shooting do include all limbs and a model’s head. If there is
phase. If they do so, they cannot fire any other weapons still doubt, we recommend the players agree about
that phase, and no other model in your kill team can fire what constitutes the main body of a model before
a Grenade weapon that phase. the battle begins.
Pistols are carriedone-handed and can even be used
in a melee to shoot at point-blank range.
You can choose to shoot with a model with a Pistol
weapon even if there are enemy models within 1",but
it must target the closest enemy model (you can choose
which if two or more are equidistant) and can only
shoot with its Pistol weapon(s). In such circumstances,
the model can shoot its Pistol even if other friendly
models are within 1" of the same enemy model. It
cannot fire a Pistol if it was charged in this battle round.
Each time a model armed with both a Pistol and another Thismodel is completely visible and so is not considered
type of ranged weapon (e.g. a Pistol and a Rapid Fire to be obscured.
weapon) is chosen to shoot, it can either shoot with its
Pistol(s) or with all of its other weapons. Choose which
it will fire (Pistols or non-Pistols) before making hit rolls.
3. ResolveAttacks
Attacks can be made one at a time, or, in some cases,
you can roll for multiple attacks together. The following
sequence is used to make attacks one at a time:
1. Hit Roll: To see if an attack hits the target, roll a D6
and apply the following cumulative modifiers:
Target model is at long range (see opposite) -1
Target model is obscured (see right) -1
Each flesh wound on the attacking model (pg 32)
Attacking model’s kill team is broken (pg 36)
If the result is equal to or greater than the attacking Thismodel’s leg is hidden behind the wall;it is therefore
model’s BallisticSkillcharacteristic, then it scores a hit considered to be obscured. In addition, it is standing
with the weapon it is using. If not, the attack fails and within 1"of the ruin that obscures it – this means it will be
the attack sequence ends. An unmodified hit roll of 1 more difficultto injure (pg 32).
alwaysfails, and an unmodified hit roll of 6 alwayshits.
LongRange If the roll is equal to or greater than the required
number, the attack succeeds and the attack sequence
A target is at long range if it is more than half continues. If the roll is less than the required number,
the weapon’s Range characteristic away from the the attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An
attacking model. Grenade weapons are not affected unmodified wound roll of 1 alwaysfails and an
by this rule. unmodified wound roll of 6 is alwayssuccessful.
For example, a boltgun has a Range of 24".Any 3. Saving Throw:The player controlling the target
target that is more than 12"away from a model model then makes a saving throw by rolling a D6
attacking with a boltgun is at long range. and modifying the roll by the Armour Penetration
characteristic of the attacking weapon. For example,
2. Wound Roll: If an attack scores a hit, you will if the attacking weapon has an Armour Penetration
then need to roll another dice to see if the of -1, then 1 is subtracted from the saving throw.
attack wounds the target. The roll required is If the result is equal to, or greater than, the Save
determined by comparing the attacking weapon’s characteristic of the target model, then the damage is
Strength characteristic with the target’s Toughness prevented and the attack sequence ends. If the result
characteristic, as shown on the following table: is less than the model’s Savecharacteristic, then the
saving throw fails and the model suffers damage. An
WOUNDROLL D6 ROLL unmodified saving throw of 1 alwaysfails.
ATTACK’S STRENGTHVS 4. Inflict Damage: The damage inflicted is equal to
TARGET’STOUGHNESS 2+ the Damage characteristic of the weapon used in the
3+ attack. A model loses one wound for each point of
ISTHESTRENGTH 4+ damage it suffers. If a model’s wounds are reduced
TWICE(or more than twice) 5+ to 0, any further attacks directed against this model
6+ by the attacking weapon are not resolved, and then
THETOUGHNESS? the player controlling the attacking model makes an
Injury roll for the target model (see overleaf).
GREATER Overwatch
THATNHETOUGHNESS? Overwatch is a special type of shooting attack,
made by a model that is the target of a charge and
ISTHESTRENGTH resolved in the Movement phase. It uses all the
EQUAL normal rules for shooting (e.g. the target must
be in range and visible when they declare the
TOTHETOUGHNESS? charge), except that any attacks made must target
the model attempting to charge, and a 6 is always
ISTHESTRENGTH required for a successful hit roll, irrespective of the
LOWER firing model’s BallisticSkillor any modifiers.
HALF(or less than half)
Injury Roll Out of Action
When a model’s wounds are reduced to 0, the controlling A model that is taken out of action is seriously injured
