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The Universal Traveler _1
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Library of Congress Cataloging - in - Publication | |||||
creativity , problem- solving , and
ing goals I by Don Koberg and Jim Bagnall . - -
Includes bibliographical references ISBN 1- (pbk . )
publicat;onress may be All
The UNIVERSAL TRAVELER is more than a guide to creative problem solving and clear thinking; it is your passport to success. The process described is universally relevant; based on the premise that any problem, dream, or as- piration, no matter its size or degree of complexity, can benefit from the
problems . Only the wording and methods vary and then, in appearance alone. Systematic process, derived from the study of human control systems known
as Cybernetics, forms the basis for modeling most social, industrial, and economic problem situations . To provide an everyday application of method
leading to a more orderly life process, we have translated the technical terminology of systematic problem-solving into conversational language and simplified techniques. The resulting 'user-friendly' approach to problem-
so l ving is called SOFT SYSTEMS . Once learned and internalized
tice, the Universal Traveler "soft systematic" approach will allow anyone to deal more logically and orderly with all manner of problem situations or goals.
Life is a continual sequence of encounters . Some are unavoidable; to be enjoyed suf- fered by choice. Others can be controlled consciously. Creative problem-solving is a process of dealing intelligently with those situations that can be controlled. A cre- ative ptcblem-solver is a 'designeL'; a per - son intending to improve what exists or to find clear paths through dilemmas or chal- lenging situations and at satisfying solutions .
In genetal, in order to improve something and do it creatively , it is necessary, first, to identify what it is that actually needs improving ; second, to understand the interactive factors involved; and Lhild, to develop the skills and tools (meth-
Creative Behavior differs from normal behav-
either primarily objective
p1imar1ly subjective. Creativity requires a
tivity. It involves learning to think and behave "wholly" instead of one way or an other; to alternate between what you sense
or feel, what you already know or think you know, and what you might discover by trying
subjectivity with objec -
primarily OBJECTIVE per -
son, for example, knows everything by name. Once named, no further examination of con- cent is required thereby eliminating the potential for deeper understanding and iono- vation . The primarily SUBJECTIVE person,
being a here-and-now sense-response mecha- nism, continually delights in sensory expe - rience and cares little for names or other fixed conclusions.