Remarkable, rather: Theories of personality schultz 10th edition pdf free download
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Sex and aggression; need to reduce tension resulting from internal conflicts
No specific motivational forces singled out.
Actualizing tendency (mo- tive to develop capacities, and experience personal growth) and self-actualizing tendency (motive to main- tain self-concept and be- have in ways that are consistent with self-concept)
Pursuit of primary (un- learned) and secondary (learned) reinforcers; pri- orities depend on person- al history
Unconscious fixations and unresolved conflicts from childhood, usually center- ing on sex and aggression
Genetic vulnerability acti- vated in part by environ- mental factors
Incongruence between self and actual experience (in- accurate self-concept); over- dependence on others for approval and sense of worth
Maladaptive behavior due to faulty learning; the “symptom” is the problem, not a sign of underlying disease
View of personality development
Emphasis on fixation or progress through psychosexual stages; experienc- es in early childhood (such as toilet training) can leave lasting mark on adult person- ality

Emphasis on unfolding of genetic
blueprint with maturation; inherited

Children who receive unconditional love have less need to be defensive; they develop more accurate, congruent self-concept; conditional love fosters incongruence
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Personality evolves gradually over the life span (not in stages); responses (such as extraverted jok- ing) followed by reinforcement (such as apprecia- tive laughter) become more frequent

Model of personality structure

Hierarchy of traits, with specific traits derived from fundamental, general traits

Self-concept, which may or may not mesh well with actual experience

Collections of response tendencies tied to specific stimulus situations
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To Henry Span Scholar, teacher, embracer of life
The Study of Personality:
Assessment, Research, and Theory
The Place of Personality in the History of
Instincts: The Propelling Forces of the Personality 52
The Levels of Personality
The Structure of Personality: Id, Ego, and
Superego 54 Anxiety: A Threat to the Ego
Defense Mechanisms Against Anxiety Psychosexual Stages of Personality Development 61
Questions About Human Nature
Assessment in Freud’s Theory: Free Association
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