Album art download grupo los chavez - authoritative
Album art download grupo los chavez - can
La Que Manda release party!
The problem hey, can you hear me now? Check there. Can you hear that? They're like turn it off what's going on. I know I do need my wife. can you hear it? No-I What the name is, That's all point. There's no sound at all. These are sound now I can't tell you let me know is there Some can you hear me? I'm trying a new, I'm trying a new sound set up so I'm trying to figure out if this is working or not. Yeah, that's okay. Alright Y'all So I know I know some of Y'all like myself are still learning Spanish have you listened to the album? What's thoughts? Are you understanding anything? Okay. So here's the deal so we went to go. We're gonna try to go deliver some some bandannas and literally left at the worst possible time for it to be crazy storming. We thought there was gonna be hail. There was a tornado warning. It was complete Madness. Oh my gosh so anyway, but I made this cute little for some people in Austin. I've made this really cute little bandana. Bandanna gifts that I was gonna go drop off so anyway so tomorrow it's happening we will deliver some of the some of Pps. Oh, yeah. Alright Paige. What are you drinking? Hey? Heather. Hey. Did you try your download link So people who are the bandanas get like a special download link. Of course, you can still get a bandanna and a download link if you want so anyway but Y'all, I'm Super excited about this album I love I don't know this is some of the music I actually had started like a few years ago the title track I literally wrote and recorded. Two weeks ago and so you know, sometimes albums go that way where it takes a long time to get stuff out and it's weird. I don't know it's weird being. it's like when you create something you're really excited about it and then you have to wait for release day, you know, which can be kind of strange cuz it's like you've been hanging out with this stuff for so long so anyway, so I appreciate you all joining in in the fun for being along with me for this journey and now that the music out is out. it's yours. That's the coolest part. Doing something like creating any kind of art that I get to share with people you know is that it's not just mine now I get to share it with you and you get to have your own experience with it for those of you who wanna know what I'm saying on on the songs there are two links here we'll throw it in the comments I'm gonna send I'm gonna throw in the comments. A little thing called a fan link and that will pull up some options as far as. you know what you can listen on like you can go to Spotify or go to iTunes or whatever. and so if you if you go to the Bandcamp link or the SoundCloud link those actually have lyrics on them and they'll have the the lyrics in English and Spanish and then I think the YouTube one also has it so anyway. so if Y'all wanna go check that out and you know just go. Listen there. You can learn Spanish by the end of the record. What's up Nancy Come on Nancy? Oh my gosh page so y'all got hail What part of Austin are you in alright? So we just posted that link so go. click on the link and go find the service that you'd like to listen to music on but again if you want if you want translations, then check out SoundCloud and Bandcamp, Those are probably your best ones. So and I'm Super excited. I love that man. I love all these songs. Honestly. I'm really proud of all these songs but I would love to I would love to know which one 's y'all are jamming so. Alright Paige I'll sing for you guys. So we do a song. Gina hold on. She's gonna sing here we go. Alright, so this is this is one of those tracks. This is called Gao. Me. I was sein. I was. To welly, In your So that I see. So when. I All right. Soon' This one. When you, Alright, so it's called kyo that one 's actually the I think that one 's the oldest one on the record. I've had that song for a little bit and it's really nice to be able to share it. share it out with people finally get it out there. Sometimes that happens with music where I don't know it's it's so crazy that it's like it takes sometimes it takes a really long time to get stuff out into the world. you know it is very expensive to be in the studio and all that kind of stuff so it just feels. it's definitely a release day and a lot of senses like a release for the new music. Also kind of like a nice release to just have it out there and in the world and have these songs taking on a life of their own. so but I do know it's I do know that a lot of my fans you know, don't necessarily speak Spanish and so I'm curious to hear how you're interacting with the music you know. I wanna hear it all like the good and the bad and if you're struggling to understand things or connect or if love it and you don't care that you don't understand the words. Y'all let me know what's up let's see so let's see since Y'all are more like Uber fans here. I'm so one of the songs. one of my favorite songs on the record is being a mother and I'm not gonna lie. It's probably the hardest one for me to play because I have to do the same thing over and over again, but let me show you a little piece of it. let's see. Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I have to practice one by myself a lot. I haven't practice so much. We got them on that bad. Got something on that side? Me-i I'm. Oh man. I'm I'm not gonna lie that one is a workout and I definitely need to practice that I want a whole lot more. I gotta get my. I gotta get my forearm muscles and my fingers going fat thumb focus on the music, let's see what else. there you go see Jackie's just making up her own. She's like I know what the song is about this song is about that time. I saw a dancing panda in my living room. We also got some peeps up on Instagram here Instagram. We got some peeps on Facebook, Y'all say hi to each other. We got any questions or any Any oh, I changed it. That's a much better view for Instagram. Where you're tuning in from let me know what's up? Alright, let's see alright. I'm gonna play a and then we can all we can all go about our lives and I just played kyo. Let's play some. I don't wanna hear Firewater or something's going on. How's that sound? Still working out the sound. You know, I got this dope bandanna. This is my name now. Oh, yeah. check it out, so we still got a few of these left. Look at that look at that look at that. I also have some cool T-shirt designs up on my website. Oh, I was gonna sneeze. I feel like sneezing is not allowed these days right, you're like just not allowed to sneeze anymore. I made it go away. I'm mentally controlled my sneeze. Alright, this is old school. I My chest Of that. I'm gonna go to my head. And with the sweet. pull me out, I did go. I'm gonna drown my soul. Lay me down down. All right if I want to. One more. I'll be. Pull me out to them that I'm gonna go. love the sweet. I don't that. To keep my lips, they still that last one more week of the fall the year you'll see when we won't last one last time they won't last time, get that glass on the one last time one last. By singing out. From the River that I say one more way the fires. But for real, we gotta play at least part of my favorite game of this. You hear me, we're playing the favorite jam. Y'all hear that. Come on track Who am I I'm the boss? come on you're so my my love. La que manda Come on come on. This is just like Tracy. Come on I'm knocking on your soul I can sing along your soul and my neck and so your so Andy. Yeah. Tu corazón No puede. This is why you tune in before you go on. Alright, What else you're tuning in from the? Alright and I should say that this is a beautiful lona guitar that epiphone it's allowing me to use for a while we did a an epiphone live the other day. I think it's gotten quite a number of views like 17000 views or something which is really cool. so anyway, getting out to the community No backing track on this one, let's just do it. No the me-I say. Remo Look at that all right. Yeah. Need for that? I'm gonna in my. The pepys No no. You need. Cess don't say you know I'm saying. yeah. he's got y'all sing along. Hey. To me, Alright Y'all Thank you so much for hanging out with me on release day for those of you in Austin, some lucky winners will get a hand delivered bandanna from Gina Chavez tomorrow the storm definitely kept us from going out tonight. Actually we did go out tonight. It was the problem but anyway so but I love you all so much. Thank you for being with me. Honestly everything you do with the music helps me. so if you're on iTunes and you wanna leave a review if you're on spot. And you wanna spin it and add it to playlist or share it with people if you wanna buy a CD from my website, if you wanna go on Bandcamp and pay what you want and download the music any way that you like to listen to music, helps me and helps indie artists so it is that you like out there and wanna engage with them by their merch. you know listen to the music but just it helps so much. Thank you so much for you know I don't know for jamming with us so it means a lot and I wouldn't be. Be able to do any of this without your support So and hopefully someday soon I can get a haircut so I look as bad as I did on my album cover. That was the last time I had a haircut was my album cover photo shoot in January, So this is what happens when quarantine hits, but anyway, big love to you all. Thank you so much. Here's to lucky Amanda you can still get bandannas and T-shirts Y'all head to my website and let's do this we are all lucky.
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