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Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing
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Peseripion for NUTRITIONAL HEALING A PRACTICAL A-TO-Z REFERENCE TO DruG-FREE REMEDIES USING VITAMINS, MINERALS, HERBS & Foop SUPPLEMENTS PHYLLIS. BALCH, xo + JAMES F BALCH MDMEALTH/NUTRITION Wy ith more than five million copies sold, Prescription for Nutritional Healing is the nation’s numberone bestselling guide to holistic health. For ten years and more, peo ple interested in alternative healing and preventive therapies have relied on this invaluable ref: rence as a guide to improve health through nutrition and supplementation, avoiding traditional drug therapies. Now, completely updated and more than one third revised, this latest edition of the book incorporates the most recent information on the benefits of vitamin and mineral sup- plements, herbal remedies, and their effects on hundreds of disorders and diseases. Part One of the book lists and explains the various types of nutrients, food supplements, and herbs found in health food and drug stores, Part Two describes more than 250 common disor- ders, from acne to yeast infection, arranged conveniently in alphabetical order, and identifies the supplements that can be used to combat the conditions. Part Three is a guide to aitemative remedies and therapies that can be uscd in conjunction with a nutritional program. In addition, self-diagnostic tests throughout the book offer in-depth coverage of a wide variety of topics. Updates to tus third edition include: * Discussions of newer supplements, including SAMe, MSM, pregnenolone, red yeast rica, inosiiol hexaphosphate (IP6), colostrum, and emu oll «The latest findings on lesser-known herbal remedies such as cat’s claw, saw palmetto, black cohosh, hyssop, boneset, eyebright, squawvine, and Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs, # New information and theories on cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibro myalgia, endometriosis, Alzheimers disease, osteoporosis, inflammatory bowel syndrome, and a host of other chronic diseases currently receiving increased attention from doctors and researchers. Whether you are looking for relief from a particular ailment, or simply wish to maintain opti- mum health, Prescription for Nutritional Healing quiekly and easily provides an abundance of information to design a complete nutritional program. PHYLLIS A. BALCH, CNC, has been a leading nutritional consultant for more than two decades, She continues to study nutrition-based therapies, procedures, and treatments in the United States and abroad. She lives in Fort Myers, Florida. JAMES F. BALCH, M.D., is a member of the American Medical Association and a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He Is the author of numerous books, including Ter Natural Remedies That Can Save Your Life. Ween i 5aass tert UUW) === I dl verEP RSLOSLY ‘A WISE MAN SHOULD CONSIDER THAT HEALTH IS THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BLESSINGS.” —itippocrates ocrates once said, “There is only one good, knowledge and one evil, igno- Trance.” This statement should guide us in all of our actions, especially where our health is concemed. Too many of us do not have the slightest idea of how to maintain good health. When iliness strikes, we rely on doctors to cure 1s. What we fail to realize is that “the cure” comes from within. Nature has provided us with a wondrous immune system, and all we have to do is take proper care of is inner healing force. ‘Does this sound too simple? Basically, itis simple; our modem lifestyles have gotten us off the right track, with fast foods, alcohol abuse, drug dependencies, a polluted environ- ‘ment, and high-tech stress. Nature intended to fuel our inner healing force with the right nat- ural substances to enable the body to funetio Up to Its fullest potential. Nature's resources— whole foods, vilamins, minerals, enzymes, ‘amino acids, phytochemicals, and other natu- ral bouties—are designed for use in our immune systems. However, because most of Us have a profound lack of knowledge as to What our bodies need to function propery, we find ourselves out of balance and susceptible toall sorts of illnesses. All individuals should take an active part in the maintenance of their health and in the treatment of their disorders with the guidance of a health care professional. ‘The more we take il upon ourselves to learn about nutrition, the better prepared we will be to take that active role. Altitude is also an important factor in the processes of health maintenance and healing, We must have a positive state of mind in order to bring harmony to the body. The realization that body (lifestyle), spirit (desire), and mind (belief), must come together is the first step to better health. ‘This new edition tas taken over twenty: five years of study, work, and research to put together. It is intended to provide you and your health care professional with a more nat- ural approach to healing, which may be used in conjunction with your current medical treatment. A mumber of the suggestions offered, such as intravenous therapy, can be administered by or under the supervision of a Hicensed physician. Also, because our body chemistries differ, some of us may have aller- sic reactions to certain supplements. Before taking any nutritional supplement, check with your health care professional regarding. its appropriateness. Should you experience and allergic reaction to any supplement, inuned- ately discontinue use of the supplement, You should never attempt to treat yourself without Professional advice. No statement in this publication should be consimied as a claim for @ cure, treatment, or prevention of disease. Its also important to Point ont that you should not reject main- stream medical methods, Learn about your condition, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Feel free to get secon and even third opinions from qualified health professionals. It is a sgn of wisdom, not cowardice, 10 seek more Jmowtedge Uuough your active participation asapatient. 'Bvery effort has been tade to include the {atest research available on nutritional heal ing We also have added new sections on many health disorders at the suggestions of our readers. All Uie infomation in this book hay been carefully researched, and the data have been reviewed and updated throughout Ue Production process, Because this hody of krowledge promises to continue growing and changing, we suggest that when questions arise, you refer to other current sources of eto festa material. We il tation, treatments, and supplement ey nd supplements, and make this infonnation available to yon i future editions of this hook. : won Sears ago Moses Maimonides A Tie Phtsician should not eat the a Ths bee ne atin ho surerng om it” needs of individual create his or her o Yaned to meet the differing is and to help each person en nutritional program,
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