Complete Champion
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Add to the beginning, As a free
Page 7 Affiliation Score
Modifier [Substitution]
Page 13 Title: Benefits and
Duties Professor of Magic
The criterion, Lives in a
mountainous region or underground
should have as its modifier, +1,
not +1/year.
Page 7 Titles, Benefits, and
Duties [Substitution]
Instead of the requirement that you
must spend 24 hours crafting a gift
for the church, it should instead
read, you must spend at least 1
week crafting a gift for the
Page 8 Title: Benefits and
Duties Initiate of the Forge
Add to the beginning, As a swift
Page 8 Title: Benefits and
Duties Mithral Hammer
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Page 9 Title: Benefits and
Duties Knight of Nature
Add This is a supernatural
Page 9 Title: Benefits and
Duties Heart of the Huntress
Add This is a supernatural
Page 10 Title: Benefits and
Duties - Warden of the Horn
This benefit should specify that the
effect has an instantaneous
Page 11 Title: Benefits and
Duties Secret Whisper
Remove Rounds of use need not be
consecutive. Deactivating the
invisibility is also a swift action
unless you end it prematurely.
Page 12 Benefits and Duties
Rank 3 [Revision]
Should read, Once per day as a
swift action, use summon natures
ally, as the spell, of a level
normally available to you, provided
that you use it to summon an animal.
This is a spell-like ability.
Page 13 Title: Benefits and
Duties Scholar [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is an extraordinary
Page 13 Title: Benefits and
Duties Eternal Librarian
The benefit should read, Once per
day, as an immediate action, you may
use a spell as normal to counter
another spell regardless of whether
you have a readied action or had the
same spell ready to cast. You must
still succeed on a Spellcraft check
to identify the spell. This is a
supernatural ability.
Page 15 Title: Benefits, and
Duties Explorer [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Page 18 Title: Benefits, and
Duties Righteous Blade of
Justice [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 19 Title: Benefits and
Duties War Leader [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is an extraordinary
Page 19 Title: Benefits and
Duties Battle Savant
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is an extraordinary
Page 20 Title: Benefits and
Duties Ruby Master [Revision]
The benefit should read, Once per
day, as an immediate action, you may
use a spell as normal to counter
another spell regardless of whether
you have a readied action or had the
same spell ready to cast. You must
still succeed on a Spellcraft check
to identify the spell. This is a
supernatural ability.
Page 23 Title: Benefits and
Duties Fury of Sun [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is an extraordinary
Page 30 Title: Benefits and
Duties Anarchist [Addition]
Page 23 Title: Benefits and
Duties Shining Light
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is a supernatural
The benefit should read, Once per
day, as a standard action, wreathe
yourself in the divine energy of the
sun, as the spell, fire shield. You
may only use the warm shield form of
the spell, and the caster level is
equivalent to your character level.
This is a spell-like ability.
Page 24 Title: Benefits and
Duties Keeper [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a swift
Page 24 Title: Benefits and
Duties High Captain [Addition]
Page 31 Title: Benefits and
Duties Grave Guardian (evil)
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 31 Title: Benefits and
Duties Master Necromancer
(non-evil) [Addition]
Add This is a supernatural
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Page 31 Title: Benefits and
Duties Destroyer [Addition]
Page 24 Title: Benefits and
Duties Arrow of Corellon
Page 31 Title: Benefits and
Duties Annihilator [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is a supernatural
Page 29 Title: Benefits and
Duties Wind Runner [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a swift
Page 29 Title: Benefits and
Duties Soaring Gust [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a spell-like ability.
Page 33 Title: Benefits and
Duties Mighty Avalanche
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a spell-like ability.
Page 33 Title: Benefits and
Duties Feet of the Mountain
Page 29 Title: Benefits and
Duties Breath of Hurricane
Add This is a supernatural
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a spell-like ability.
Page 30 Title: Benefits and
Duties Beast Friend [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 30 Title: Benefits and
Duties Beast Soul [Addition]
Add This is a spell-like ability.
Page 30 Title: Benefits and
Duties Beast Master [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a spell-like ability.
Page 33 Title: Benefits and
Duties Paragon of Villainy
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 34 Title: Benefits and
Duties Roaring Conflagration
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 34 Title: Benefits and
Duties Raging Inferno
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Remove duration need not be
Page 40 Title: Benefits and
Duties Holy Shield [Addition]
Page 34 Title: Benefits and
Duties Saint [Addition]
This benefit should specify that the
effect has an instantaneous
Add This is a supernatural
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 41 Title: Benefits and
Duties Mighty Champion
Page 35 Title: Benefits and
Duties Master Physician
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is a supernatural
Add This is a supernatural
Page 36 Title: Benefits and
Duties Academic [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Page 36 Title: Benefits and
Duties Scholar [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Page 37 Title: Benefits and
Duties Judicator [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a [mind-affecting]
supernatural ability.
Page 37 Title: Benefits and
Duties Scion of Luck
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is a supernatural
Page 37 Title: Benefits and
Duties Fatebender [Addition]
Add to the beginning, As an
immediate action.
Add This is a supernatural
Page 38 Title: Benefits and
Duties Master of Magical
Philosophy [Revision]
The benefit should read, Once per
day as an immediate action, you may
use a spell as normal to counter
another spell regardless of whether
you have a readied action or had the
same spell ready to cast. You must
still succeed on a Spellcraft check
to identify the spell. This is a
supernatural ability.
Page 39 Title: Benefits and
Duties Ancient Heart of the
Forest [Addition]
Add This is a supernatural
Page 41 Title: Benefits and
Duties Divine Light [Addition]
Add This is a supernatural
Page 41 Title: Benefits and
Duties Master of Radiance
Add to the beginning, As a standard
Add This is a supernatural
Page 43 Title: Benefits and
Duties Expert Trickster
Add to the beginning, As a free
Add This is an extraordinary
Page 46 Totem Manifestation
Lion Totems [Substitution]
The second sentence should read, As
a standard action, you can roar,
requiring every creature within a
30-foot radius to succeed on a Will
save (DC 10 + 1/2 your barbarian
level + your Str modifier) or be
shaken for a number of rounds equal
to your barbarian level.
Page 46 View of the Spirit
World Benefit [Addition]
Beginning should read, Once per day
as a swift action...
Page 47 Healing Hymn - Benefit
The first sentence of the third
paragraph should read, In addition,
if you use this ability for at least
1 minute before you and your allies
retire for the night, everyone in
the group heals naturally at the end
of the rest as if he had completed
24 hours of best rest (thus
recovering twice his character level
in hit points).
The second paragraph of the benefits
section should specify that the +1
bonus is limited by the maximum
caster level bonus of a curing
spell. For example, if a level 10
cleric cast cure serious while under
the effect of healing hymn used by a
bard with 10 ranks in perform, the
cure serious spell would only cure
3d8+15 instead of 3d8+20.
Page 52 Domain Granted Power Benefit [Addition]
At the end of the section, add
Healing hymn lasts as long as you
concentrate up to a maximum of 2
The first sentence should instead
read, You can spontaneously cast
any spell you know from the
divination school by sacrificing a
prepared spell of equal or greater
Page 47 Underdark Knight Benefit [Addition]
Add This is a spell-like ability
with caster level equal to your
character level to the 7th-level
and 15th-level abilities.
Page 48 Pool of Healing
Benefit [Addition]
The third sentence should begin, As
a standard action, you can dole it
out with a touch...
Page 50 Spiritual Connection Benefit [Addition]
Add These are spell-like abilities
with caster level equal to your
character level.
Add at the end of the section, If
the granted power is based upon
cleric level, it becomes instead
based upon your wizard level.
Page 52 Spontaneous Divination
- Benefit [Revision]
Page 51 Domain Feats
Replace permanently sacrificing
with expending in the last line of
the third paragraph.
Page 60 Imbued Healing
Remove Metamagic from title of
The +4 bonus on savings throws for
the Death domain should be a sacred
bonus if your deity is good or
neutral or profane if your deity is
Page 50-51 Spiritual Guide Benefit [Addition]
Remove per level or from Healing
domain bonus.
The second to last sentence should
indicate that the use of commune
with nature is a spell-like ability
with caster level equal to your
character level.
The +2 bonus on damage rolls for the
Strength domain should be a sacred
bonus if your deity is good or
neutral or a profane bonus if your
deity is evil.
The second to last sentence should
read, In addition, you can use
commune with nature, as the spell,
once per day as a full round action
(caster level equals your ranger
Page 51 Antiquarian [Revision]
The second to last sentence should
read, This works like the identify
spell (caster level equals your
rogue level) but requires no
material component and can be
performed as a full round action.
Page 51 Deaths Ruin
This is an extraordinary ability,
not a supernatural ability.
Page 51 Holy Stalker
Remove the second to last line of
the benefits section. Instead, note
that this ability can be used in
conjunction with deaths ruin
The +5-foot bonus to base land speed
for the Travel domain should be a
sacred bonus if your deity is good
or neutral or a profane bonus if
your deity is evil.
The +1 bonus on attack rolls for the
War domain should be a sacred bonus
if your deity is good or neutral or
a profane bonus if your deity is
Page 63 Trickery Devotion Benefit [Addition]
At the end of the section describing
the 10th-level benefits, a sentence
should read, Phantom versions of
your equipment do not have any of
the magical or alchemical effects
that your normal equipment has.
Page 64 Water Devotion
Remove the second Special entry.
Page 75 Entry Requirements
An additional line should read,
Special: Must worship Pelor or
Page 80 Feral Trance
The first sentence should instead
read, Once per day, you can enter a
feral battle trance as a free
Page 82 Plant Affinity
This should be a swift action, not a
move action.
Page 84 Plant Affinity
The second sentence should instead
read, If you prepare your divine
spells in advance and do not have
the spontaneous casting ability (as
the cleric and druid spellcasting
feature, see PH 32 and 35), you can
now spontaneously trade prepared
divine spells for divine spells of
an equal or lower level from the
Plant domain.
Page 84 Woodland Stride
This ability grants a +10-foot bonus
to your land speed, not a +10 bonus.
Page 84 Earths Communion
At the end of the second sentence,
it should indicate that the level of
the spell is equivalent to your
character level.
Page 85 Web of Life
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
The second sentence should indicate
that the bonus to Wisdom is a +2
sacred bonus.
Page 87 Paragons Gift, Least
- [Deletion]
Remove and has a caster level equal
to your mythic exemplar level from
the end.
Page 87 Mythic Exemplar
Class Skills [Addition]
Perform should be included among the
class skills.
Page 88 Paragons Gifts
(General) [Clarification]
Abilities that indicate as the
spell require a swift action to use
(as noted on page 87) regardless of
the spells normal casting time.
Page 88 Paragons Gift,
Greater Orsos [Revision]
Should read, You gain a +4 sacred
bonus to your natural armor.
Page 88 Paragons Gift,
Supreme Reikhardt [Addition]
Add The DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 HD
+ your Cha modifier.
Page 88 Embody Paragon
Reikhardt [Substitution]
Second paragraph should begin, In
addition, once per day for 10
Page 91 Channel Spell
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
The first two sentences should
instead read, At 3rd level, you can
channel any spell available to you
that has one creature or more as its
target into your melee weapon. Doing
so requires a move action and uses
up a spell slot or a prepared spell
of casting time no greater than one
standard action.
Page 91 Divine Bulwark
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
Page 91 Fist of the Gods
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
Page 91 Holy Warrior
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
Page 95 Knowledge is Power
Divine Ethos [Substitution]
Part of the second sentence should
read, against one or more
creatures, not against a
Page 96 Mortal Coil
Should read Your effective caster
level increases by 1 when you cast
transmutation spells. (Knowledge
[nature] 6 ranks)
Page 96 Noble Presence
Should read Whenever you cast a
charm or compulsion spell, the save
DC increases by 1. (Knowledge
[nobility and royalty] 5 ranks)
Page 99 Entry Requirements
An additional line should read,
Special: Must worship chosen deity
Page 100 Ehlonna Summon
Natures Mount [Substitution]
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
Page 101 Olidammara - Fast
Talk [Substitution]
(Su) should follow the class feature
name, not (Sp).
Page 101 Wee Jas Sanctified
Fall [Revision]
The first sentence should read, If
you are reduced to 1 or fewer hit
points, or even killed outright by a
death effect, you can use an
immediate action to either cast a
spell of casting time no greater
than a standard action or else to
make a single attack.
Page 106 Spellcasting
Remove at will from second
Page 108 Entry Requirements
An additional line should read,
Special: Must worship Pelor or
Page 108 Luminous Weapon
The first sentence should begin, As
a swift action...
Page 108 Smite Evil
The second sentence should read,
Levels in paladin and shadowstriker
stack for the purpose of determining
smite evil attempts/day. Smite evil
damage is equal to a characters
combined paladin and shadowstriker
Page 108 Suns Blessing
Replace divine with sacred in
the last sentence.
The first two sentences should read,
When you reach 2nd level, as a
swift action, you can cause your
weapon to flare with the fires of
the sun. While a weapon is affect by
both the suns blessing and luminous
weapon, it deals an additional 1d6
points of damage.
Page 106 Personal Eclipse
Replace sacrifice with expend in
the last sentence.
The second sentence should read, As
a swift action, you can redirect the
light around your body to better
conceal your presence.
Page 108 Surge of Piety
Page 106 Truth of the Light
Remove divine from last sentence.
Page 106 Aura of Anonymity
Remove In addition to functioning
as a consecrate spell from the
second to last sentence.
Replace at will with As a swift
Replace sacrifice with expend in
the last sentence.
Page 106 Blinding Light
Page 110 Squires Burden
(General) [Clarification]
Second sentence should read, At
will, you can use discern lies as a
swift action, as the spell (caster
level equals your character level).
Page 106 Suns Revelation
The ability should be listed as a
spell-like ability (Sp) and not a
supernatural ability (Su).
The second sentence should read, At
will, you can use discern lies as a
swift action, as the spell (caster
level equals your character level).
Page 106 Vision of Pelor
Abilities that indicate as the
spell require a swift action to use
(as noted in the above description
of squires burden) regardless of
the spells normal casting time.
Page 110 Squires Burden,
Least [Deletion]
Remove and has a caster level equal
to three times your squire of legend
level from the second sentence.
Page 113 Blackguard Spells
Under 4th level, the following spell
should be included. Profane Item:
Target object deals 1d4/caster level
(max. 10d4 points of negative energy
damage to the next animal, plant,
good outsider, or good shapechanger
that touches it; undead must also
save or flee for 1d4 minutes.
round of the spells duration. This
effect lasts until the end of your
Page 116 Aligned Aura
Page 121 Forest Child
Under Saving Throw, the entry should
say See text and not Fortitude
Replace Effect: One wooden
duplicate with Target: A tree of
at least one size category larger
than you.
Page 116 Benediction
The second sentence should be
Page 117 Bewildering Visions
Under Saving Throw, the entry should
say See text and not Will
The second and third sentences
should read, The subject must make
a Will save or be sickened for the
duration of the spell. Additionally,
a character that fails his Will save
must make a Fortitude save each
round or be nauseated.
Page 118 Body Ward [Deletion]
Remove the last sentence of the
second paragraph.
Page 118 Conduit of Life
Page 122 Iconic Manifestation
First paragraph should read, The
descriptor of this spell matches a
non-neutral component of your
alignment. For instance, if you are
lawful neutral, you cast iconic
manifestation as a lawful spell. If
you are chaotic good, you can cast
iconic manifestation as a good or
chaotic spell (not both). If you are
neutral and have no lawful, chaotic,
good, or evil component, the spell
has no effect on you.
The second sentence of the second
paragraph should read, Invoking the
spells effect requires a swift
action and requires you to expend
one daily use of your wild shape
Page 122-123 Impede [Addition]
The last sentence should have
(maximum +10) after the noted
curing effect.
The penalties imposed by the spell
should be sacred if your deity is
good or neutral or profane if your
deity is evil.
Page 118 Conduit of Life
Page 123 Interfaith Blessing
The Target entry should read,
Shield or heavy armor worn.
Page 118 Darts of Life
Effect should read Personal and
not One or more creatures per
Page 120 Door of Decay
Remove the first sentence.
Page 120 Execration [Revision]
Replace first two sentences with,
With a touch, you impose a 2 luck
penalty on all of another creatures
saving throws.
Page 121 Footsteps of the
Divine [Substitution]
Under Duration, the entry should say
See text.
The two final sentences should read,
You can discharge the spell to add
+10 feet to your speed per remaining
The bonuses of this spell should be
sacred if your deity is good or
neutral or profane if your deity is
Page 123 Light of Courage
The second sentence should read, If
you make a turning check before the
duration expires, each undead
creature on which your turning check
succeeds (regardless of whether they
take turning damage) takes 1d8
points of damage per two caster
levels you possess (maximum 10d8).
Page 123 Light of Faith
The spells text should read, This
spell grants you a sacred bonus
equal to one-half your divine caster
level (maximum +5) on your next
turning check.
Page 124 Light of Wisdom
The spells text should indicate
that you can gain a maximum of +5
levels for the purpose of this
Page 124 Lore of the Gods
The last sentence of the first
paragraph should read, The +5
insight bonus still applies in both
cases, but utilizing this option
discharges the spell.
Page 124 Mark of Sin
The penalty on the first line of the
third paragraph should be sacred if
your deity is good or neutral or a
profane if your deity is evil.
Page 124 Master Cavalier
The bonuses should be typed as
circumstance bonuses.
The second paragraph should read,
If you are affected by master
cavalier while your mount is under
the effects of phantom charge (see
below) and war-mount (page 129),
your mount gains the ability to walk
on liquids and gains a fly speed
(average maneuverability) equal to
its normal land-based speed.
Page 124-125 - Metal Fang
The natural weapon does not deal 1
point less damage for being silvered
as ordinary weapons do.
Page 126 - Profane Item
Page 135-136 Armor of the
Beast [Addition]
A druid retains his class abilities
while wearing armor of the beast.
Page 136 Bastion of Righteous
War [Addition]
In the second paragraph, the attacks
of opportunity granted by expending
turn/rebuke undead attempts should
be noted as being able to exceed
your normal allotment of attacks of
Page 137 Bow of Elvenkind
The aura should be strong, not
moderate. The school should be
divination, not transmutation.
Page 137 Staff of the Vagabond
The school should be conjuration,
not transmutation.
Page 139 Crest of Valor
The bonus type in the last sentence
of the items descriptive text
should be morale.
Page 139 Gauntlets of War
The aura should be faint, not
The bonus type should be
The Saving Throw entry should read,
Will negates (object) and Will
partial; see text.
Page 139 Helm of Righteous War
Page 126 - Sacred Item
The Saving Throw entry should read,
Will negates (object) and Will
partial; see text.
The section, (other than yourself)
can be removed from the second line.
Page 129 Touch of Restoration
Remove the second paragraph.
Page 129-130 Weight of Sin
The Saving Throw entry should read,
Fortitude partial, then Will
negates; see text.
Page 134 Ehlonnas Brooch
Summon animal should by summon
natures ally.
The school should be divination, not
The first line of the second
paragraph should read, As a swift
action, you can expend one daily
turn or rebuke undead attempt; this
allows you to know the square in
which all enemies within 10 feet are
located, though it does not
eliminate forms of concealment, such
as invisibility.
Page 139-140 Lancers Spurs
At the end of the last sentence of
the first paragraph, add giving the
mount a magic weapon for the purpose
of overcoming damage reduction.
Page 140 Mantle of the Beast
At the end of the last sentence of
the first paragraph, add giving you
a magic weapon for the purpose of
overcoming damage reduction.
Page 142 Sandals of the
The school should be conjuration,
not divination.
Page 144 Quiver of Elvenkind
The school should be necromancy, not