Downloading files from bluemix

Downloading files from bluemix

downloading files from bluemix

IBM's Cloud Object Storage (COS) S3 is ideal for holding large amounts of colder production data, such as backups and archives, and very large individual files. I see several questions in the Bluemix forum about the desire to download files of running applications. Cloud Foundry CLI provides "cf files". To set the default download location, type ibmcloud cos config ddl and input into the program a valid file path. To set a default region, type. downloading files from bluemix

Downloading files from bluemix - was

I see several questions  in the Bluemix forum about the desire to download files of running applications. Cloud Foundry CLI provides “cf files” command to just to take a look at each file/folder, not entire files. There is easy way to do it. Use Cloud Foundry CLI plugin “cf-download”.

Cloud Foundry CLI v6.7 or higher now provides plugin functionality. See this dev guide . Some of Bluemix users may have already noticed new command “cf install-plugin”. This enables to add features to existing commands.

% cf install-plugin -help NAME: install-plugin - Install the plugin defined in command argument USAGE: cf install-plugin URL or LOCAL-PATH/TO/PLUGIN [-r REPO_NAME] The command will download the plugin binary from repository if '-r' is provided EXAMPLE: cf install-plugin cf install-plugin ~/Downloads/plugin-foobar cf install-plugin plugin-echo -r My-Repo OPTIONS: -r   repo name where the plugin binary is located

Cloud Foundry Foundation provides community base plugins at There are plugin such as:

  • autopilot: zero downtime deploy plugin for cf applications. This is useful to switch to new application without worry about stopping and deleting old application.
  • Targets: Can be used to change the target (e.g. to Bluemix US , to Bluemix London, or to the other Cloud Foundry base PaaS provider such as Cloudn PaaS from NTT ).
  • etc, etc.

Most of plugins are quite useful. Anyway, go back to “cf-download”. To add the plugin is very easy. Add plugin repository, and then install the plugins.

% cf add-plugin-repo CF-Community OK added as 'CF-Community' % cf install-plugin cf-download -r CF-Community Looking up 'cf-download' from repository 'CF-Community' 8637440 bytes downloaded... Installing plugin <path>... OK Plugin cf-download v1.0.0 successfully installed. % cf plugins Listing Installed Plugins... OK Plugin Name   Version   Command Name   Command Help cf-download   1.0.0     download       Download contents of a running app's file directory

Now, I login to Bluemix, and then tried to download files (Nodered boilerplate in my case).

% cf download # just to see syntax. Error: Missing App Name NAME:    download - Download contents of a running app's file directory USAGE:    cf download APP_NAME [PATH] [--overwrite] [--verbose] [--omit ommited_paths] [-i instance_num] % cf download mynoderedapp .

It took several minutes to download all files. After the command completes, I can see enter files. To check if the files are identical. I took a look at file.

$ cat 31 $ cf files mynoderedapp ./ Getting files for app ... OK 31

Looks like they are identical.  It is so easy to download files from Bluemix application now. 🙂

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Downloading files from bluemix

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